Japanese innovation

Some Japanese innovations that changed the world

1- Bullet train (1964)


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Before the Hikari No. 1 was propelled in October 1964, going via prepare amongst Tokyo and Osaka – Japan's two biggest urban areas – would take the best piece of a working day. In any case, with a best speed of 210 kph, the world's first slug prepare decreased the excursion to 4 hours. Today, on account of further mechanical improvements, the trek takes a little more than 2 hours, destined to be lessened to around 60 minutes.

2- Pocket adding machine (1970)

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You're out for supper with a gathering of companions and the bill arrives. What's the principal thing you do? Get your cell phone and set out toward the number cruncher application. This convenient little instrument has its beginnings in a Japanese innovation: the pocket number cruncher.

3- Walkman (1979)

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Think the iPod revolutionized the music industry? Wrong. When Apple’s product hit the market in 2001, the revolution was already well under way, thanks to a Japanese invention that came decades earlier: Sony’s Walkman.

Before the Walkman, the only way to listen to music on the go was by using a portable radio. The idea that you could pick your own tunes and listen to them everywhere would transform the music industry.

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