

The scientific name of jackfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus is the fruit of the family of the Artocarpus of Morasia . Summer type fruit is a yellowish yellow color. It is officially declared as national fruit of Bangladesh . The jackfruit trees are visible throughout Bangladesh. The raw jackfruit is called crude . Jackfruit tree is best known for making furniture. Jackfruit palm The comparatively bigger fruit is thick and stingy, while on the other side, there is a tense surrounding numerous kiosks. Large seeds of jackfruit are located in the interior of the quaar.

The origin of jackfruit is considered as a place in the Indian subcontinent, especially in Bangladesh and its adjoining areas. There is no such variety in the world, except in Bangladesh , Assam , West Bengal, South India, Bihar , Myanmar , Malay , Sri Lanka, etc. It is not possible to cultivate jackfruit in such a large number. However , in the country of Brazil , Jamaita of West Indies, there is limited jackfruit in the country. It is usually found in red clay and high areas. The average of Madhupur and Bhawal in Bangladesh, and in the neighboring areas, the cultivation of Kantal is more.

There are several varieties of jackfruit. In Bangladesh and India, the cultivated varieties can be divided into roughly two categories. There are more varieties of jackfruit in addition to the two varieties of Gala and Khwaja . The 'rakhkaja' is the property between the gala and the Khawaja jackfruit. There are also Rudrakshi, Singapore, Silon, Baramasi, Golpagandha, Chamagodha, Padma Raj, Hazari etc. Among them there are only Hazari jackfruit in Bangladesh, the rest are in India.

Gala or throat
When the jackfruit is well cooked, the cells or cavities inside it are very soft, sweet and creampie. But sometimes the taste of the juice is sweet and sweet. Cells are relatively small. Thorns on the scalp are not very flat. After rubbing, there is a little reddish-yellowish. Cells can be easily separated.

Cells are large in size, after cremation, they are low in the crease and are relatively strong or greasy. The cells do not dry out easily, even if the chip. The color is pale yellow and the taste is fairly sweet. Many do not like the jackfruit of this type because they are not easily digested. Gourd is still green, and the thorns are fairly flat, large and smooth.

High-yielding varieties
High yielding jackfruit berry jackfruit -1 (2008) and bari jackfruit -2 (2010). These two Uffi varieties, which were invented by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute , were approved by the National Seed Board . Bari jackfruit -1 is suitable for cultivation throughout the country. Medium size (9 kg) of trees with 125 fruits, weighing 1181 kg. Hectare yield is 118 tons, 55%, consumable and sweet Tess 22%. Bari jackfruit 2 non-seasonal fruits Uphasi varieties, medium size (7 kg), 54-79 trees per tree, weighing 380-579 kg Hectare yield 38-58 tons, 60% of food-use and sweet Tess 21%.


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