
If the virus continues at this rate in China, before the summer of 2020, thousands of people will be dying daily. If you don't build up your immune system right now, as soon as possible, as often as you can, you will die much sooner than you could even imagine.

How do viruses enter the cell? Can pH level elevation reduce the spread of viruses?
Outlander 101

How do viruses enter the cell? Can pH level elevation reduce the spread of viruses?

04:16 AM - Steemit

Let me first tell you why I'm writing about this. I was trying to figure out how viruses sneak into cells like a Trojan Horses might sneak into cities. The Corona Virus is on my mind. I believe in finding natural remedies in fighting diseases. I believe in building up the immune system as much as possible. I'm not saying I don't believe in doctors but I am saying that I want to do all that I can do first within the realm of prevention over correction. So, I have two main questions for this post as seen in the title.

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2020-02-08 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-02-08 - Saturday

Screenshot at 2020-02-08 05:12:17.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in February of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Teacher Life

12:24 AM - Bear Shares

As a teacher, I can confirm that it can be tough to get to everything on the lesson plan. Therefore, it might be better not to force it too much to the extent that doing so would be or become potentially a risk, a danger, AKA counterproductive in the long-run, long-term speaking.

Steemit vs Busy

12:33 AM - Steemit

Things appear to work for me on Steemit, generally. But sometimes, the page may not fully load for me on Steemit. I wonder if the issues you run into is something like that or not.

Honesty Within Relationships

12:48 AM - Steemit

Like you said, honesty is key. I enjoy reading stories and find them interesting. If you said that you speak three languages, then good job. You are like Melania Trump who knows around five or so languages. So, you must be pretty smart yourself.

Zelly Pelly

01:03 AM - Steemit

Zelly Pelly, my favorite part was that one question you wrote, When will I learn my lesson? So key in life. Some people don't ask that question. Those who ask are in a better position. Oh, you mentioned nightmares. I find that interesting.

Cell Vampires

Myzocytosis involves predator cells sucking up the blood or whatever of prey cells.

Why don't human cells do what plant cells do in regards to immune system responses in fighting diseases, viruses, etc?

Entering Viruses

Generally, when a virus is born inside a cell, it wraps itselfs with stuff from the cell and then leave to enter other cells. In other words, it becomes a Trojan Horse.

Getting Stuff Inside

Endocytosis is one way that substances enter a cell.

How do viruses enter the cell? Can pH level elevation reduce the spread of viruses?

04:16 AM - Steemit

Let me first tell you why I'm writing about this. I was trying to figure out how viruses sneak into cells like a Trojan Horses might sneak into cities. The Corona Virus is on my mind. I believe in finding natural remedies in fighting diseases. I believe in building up the immune system as much as possible. I'm not saying I don't believe in doctors but I am saying that I want to do all that I can do first within the realm of prevention over correction. So, I have two main questions for this post as seen in the title.


2020-02-08 - Saturday - 04:54 AM - 06:00 AM - Outlander 101

Begins around the end of the second world war. This show focuses on this woman nurse doctor.

Intro song is interesting.

Focus on the woman and her husband who knows history.

He mentions how Catholics took pagan holidays and renamed them.

They are on a honeymoon.

They jump on the bed.

This TV show has a Narnia look and feel to it.

Frank had a passion for history.

Frank liked the highland.

She was like Angelina Jolie growing up like a Tomb Raider.

Quick flashback.

She had a passion in botany.

They find a castle.

Frank worked in London with spies during WWII.

Frank may have saw a ghost looking at her outside her window.



Flashback to car crash.

She sees the red coats.



She helps them


She sees her future self


Overlord DVD

12:21 PM - Star Trek Picard Review Episode 3 | A Grievous Insult to Fans

Joe Scott Montana

12:34 PM - Steemit

I don't know if I told you that my dad loved the 49ers so much that I ended up getting Joe Scott Montana's middle name. Well, this was when I was born in 1985. So, I just go to YouTube and watch the Superbowl commercials. I'm mostly a basketball guy. But I do have that connection to the 49ers because of my name, Joseph.

Cell Cities

12:36 PM - Steemit

Yes, Lee Sujin. You know, cells are very interesting. Cells are like very small cities.

Legal Hell And Rain Water

12:44 PM - Steemit

That is not what happened in Oregon in regards to the rain water. You should look at the cases and how they came about. Look at the laws and what the laws say. There are so many laws. Most people can barely scratch the surface to all of the regulations, codes, laws, rules, red tape, etc. You should be ready for the cases that are coming to you in the future. So, you can just sit there and wait for certain things to happen. You can choose to believe that you cannot do anything about it.

Language Study

12:47 PM - Steemit

I learned some Vietnamese in Vietnam. I like languages. Yeah, calmness is a wonder. Yes, children are a treasure. Take care of them. Treasure them. Happy weekend.

Dishes. Computer look. Vacuum. Boxes above the tire. Watching Red Letter Media Best of the Worst: Black Spine Junka 2. Home Alone kid is there, Mack of Bunny Ears. I'm drinking coffee. Had bananas and raisins on oatmeal this morning. We have some cinnamon bread today. I had a bite. It was hailing a bit. Pills in the mail. Plant watering in the green house.


02:49 PM - Steemit

Elena, yeah, more people should open doors for each other. I know I do. So, maybe I'm from Minnesota too haha. No, I'm from Oregon but I was a fan of I think Kevin Garnett of the Timberwolves like 20 years ago. Why are you holding an alien card? I love aliens. I might be one haha. Maybe not but I sure do feel like one sometimes.

Hitler Stalin History

02:55 PM - Steemit

I am telling you that I do not like Hitler. I do not like Stalin. I do not like Mao. I am telling you that governments, in history, become tyrannical in many cases.

Invalid Cookies


Washed the tub.

Immune System or Die

05:30 PM - Facebook

If you don't build up your immune system right now, as soon as possible, as often as you can, you will die much sooner than you could even imagine.

Hope Puns

05:32 PM - Facebook

In a Facebook update, I put out a Learning English question.

Bunnies ____________
A. Hopped
B. Hoped

Answer: A. Hopped, meaning the rabbit it hare jumped or skipped or leaped or something like that. Hoped means that you were to hope. That you did hope or hoped.

Creative answer - Opa Tom Helus gave out this creative response:

The bunnies hoped the dog didn't see them as they hopped away.

I added that I hope so.

Said Bob Hope.

On the set of A New Hope.

Lionel Nation

05:48 PM - Live Stream: The Best Is Yet To Come

build up your immune system with Vitamin C

BAKING SODA helped stop that flu in 1919.

It should be investigated.

The First Amendment should be about stopping Pre-Crime and Pre-Trial Punishments.



Minority Report Movie.

The first amendment is not given to us by the government. Free speech does not come from our self-appointed overlords.

The ten bill of rights is not about government giving people rights but rather to agree to not interfering or infringing on the rights that we the people are supposed to already have inherently.

Filming it might be a crime.

Seinfeld Good Samaritan Law on their last episode as they did NOT HELP.


If you could stop it, and if you didn't, then you should be tried in a court of law.

If you film a crime, you should not be imprisoned for that. But people may want to take you to court, assuming you didn't try to stop the crime, assuming you could have stopped it and didn't, perhaps.

Agenda Free TV

06:01 PM - China Virus: 806 Dead, 37,111 Cases - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE


Raise your pH to fight viruses.

Make your pH more alkaline to battle viruses.

Calcium can elevate your pH level to help battle viruses.

I love raw garlic.

Apple Cider Vinegar can help your immune system which is key in defeating viruses.

@a aa and Arm & Hammer baking soda can raise your pH in the fluids of your body.

Terrorists can go to China, jar the virus, freeze it, and save it for later.

Garlic is so wonderful.

Oxygen helps clean up the blood of toxins.

Viruses are toxins. You need more oxygen to help flush out toxins more and more.

@RedSun Hail Red Sun

Many Videos on Building Up Your Immune System, Natural Remedies

Duck Duck Go Google Search, Immune System Natural Remedies

Shaved. Shower. Dishes done. No ice-cream this week. I don't need to eat it. I'm better than that. Sunday, I will bring my Nalgene water bottle which I bought at WOLBI at that store in around 2005 during my first or second year. It says L4OJ 3 meaning my third bottle as the other two were stolen by other students I think or something. Pretty sure people stole from me. So, no coffee and creamer and other things tomorrow is my plan. I feel better that way. Eating butter and peanut butter on toast right now.



Almost as bad as the Patriot Act.

Merry Mayhem

08:51 PM - Shenanigans

They Win Now

A chanticleer is a deer that eats chanticlees.

It is an animal.

Medieval Word

For rooster

@Doug Crouse I saw that movie.

Ecdysiast = ec (world) + dy (mistake) + iast (person)

Reality 101 wrote:

​An Ecdysiast is a person who believes the ecosphere is a dystopian plot against them...

Furuncle = blister or boil

Micheal Jackson FGHS

10:03 PM - Facebook

Wasn't Edwin Castro the guy that could dance like Michael Jackson? I love MJ. I think I remember Edwin, if he is the same guy who would dance like MJ. Edwin, I think you were a legend at FGHS.

Kathryn in the Army

10:11 PM - Facebook

I remember you from a cooking class, FGHS, 2002. I'm impressed that you were in the Army. Thanks for serving. Growing up, I thought about joining the Army but didn't. But I want you to know that I'm proud of you.

Dear Friends,

If you got any photos of me, or anything else, then what are you waiting for? Believe it or not, every once in a while, I find photos and things of mine. Like, I find myself in pictures I'm not even tagged in. Oh, could you at least tag me in them? You could send them to my Inbox.

French Teacher

10:36 PM - Facebook - FGHS 2005

I must have missed out. I learned Spanish with Burke. So, I don't I ever saw this teacher. But it looks like she was a lot of fun.

Old Tapes

10:39 PM - Facebook

I used to copy videos to DVD, hard drives, etc.


Brut India

12:40 AM - Did Sara Ali Khan Flub Her Lines Talking About Skin Colour?


2020-02-08 - Saturday - 04:54 AM - 06:00 AM - Outlander 101

Overlord DVD

12:21 PM - Star Trek Picard Review Episode 3 | A Grievous Insult to Fans

Red Letter Media

12:51 PM - Best of the Worst: Black Spine Junka 2

Invalid Cookies


Lionel Nation

05:48 PM - Live Stream: The Best Is Yet To Come

Agenda Free TV

06:01 PM - China Virus: 806 Dead, 37,111 Cases - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE



Red Letter Media

09:18 PM - Scientist Man Analyzes Ghostbusters (2016)

Forest Grove High School 2013 Lip Sync Staff! :)

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
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How do viruses enter the cell? Can pH level elevation reduce the spread of viruses?

I attended the Forest Grove High School in Forest Grove, OR from 2000-2004. I knew or saw or whatever the following:

FGHS Class of 2002 - Facebook Page
Forest Grove High School Class of 2005
Terry Ka'lama Hoeft
2005-06-09 - Terry Hoeft graduated from FGHS, a year after me - June of 2005
Edwin Castro is probably the one that did Michael Jackson dancing impersonation. FGHS class of 2005.
Can Man
Ander Etx.
Kathryn Willison Anne - Cooking Class - 2002 apx
Hannah Casey
Patrisha Wynne
Tj Vanderzanden - 1999
Kim Warren
Melissa Siciliano
Nicole Richards - FGHS
Rachel Ingram Downey - CCBC - FGHS Girls Basketball
Tonya Jones Lucas
Ty Grayson
Lionel Liberty - Softball 93 | FGHS
Brittni Davis Bigsby
Greg Hoyt
Thelma Tenorio
Stephanie Done
Katie Moon Richy
Kari Herinckx
Ryan Mcginnis - FGHS | Elder
Cody Johnston | Picture of Cody
Elder Hernandez named me Cool Kid back in or around 1999. If you're engaged, then congratulation. I will always remember you as the Cool Kid Creator.

Jose Lopez
Miguel Ambriz Calderon - Rose Grove Trailer Park
Julio Yesenia Ambriz Calderon - Rose Grove Trailer Park
Chris Garner
Kyle J Vanderzanden - FGOR162
2010-06-20 - Mike, Kyle, Baby Vanderzanden - 3 Generations - FGOR162
Michael Vanderzanden - FGOR162
Salena Willner Griffith
Rolland Stuck
Maeve Swakhammer - FGHS
Ivan Marble - FGHS
Mychal Lucero - FGHS
Allison Johnston - FGHS
Richie Van Dyke - FGHS Girls Basketball
Josh Hundley - FGHS

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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

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How do viruses enter the cell? Can pH level elevation reduce the spread of viruses?

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