
Hooked up the scanner after moving it to the wall, near the monitor. Researched different blockchain networks, etc. I talked to people on IWA about phone secrets. Bible videos on lost autographs. Children's Craniofacial Association (CCA). uJO Music. 90+ Ethereum Apps. Ay, Congratulations PewDiePie! Watered gardens for like three hours. NY pictures.

2019-08-20 - Tuesday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

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Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

My Steeve

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-20 - Tuesday - PST - Daily journal:

Rooster returned to the nest around 01:00 AM. Downtown Manhattan. Queens. Fiddler on the Roof. Hotdog. Park. Row boat. Trip began last Tuesday. Pictures. Statue of Liberty. Hot humidity. Less people than expected. Dresses. Suits. Subway. Stairs. Noise. Quiet required. Piano. Like dance. Drums. Learn words. Notes. Then, practice the timing. Lifetime. Elton John. Harry Potter. Psychology. Conflict resolution. Waitress. Travel. Alaska. Desire. Weight. Tiny. Medium. Gardens. Patience. Yoga. Prayer. 3rd Eye. 3K/mo. Rent. Play. Arranged marriage. Rothschild. Rich man. Teaching music. Spain. Venezuela. PDX. Moved. 2010 or so. Island. Sisters. Actor Tom Arnold.

Phone School

01:02 AM - IWA

@Hekonu, depends on the phone and SIM does play a factor. What I'm trying to spell-out is a game called a processs of elimination, scientifically, in finding out where the problems are coming from, etc. Of course, there are other factors and other ways for hackers to get in. But, I'm trying to introduce all of this to new people by giving them some baby steps. Instead telling people how to root like @Invalidcookie said, I wanted to suggest some easier things to do first in order to help new people learn a new skill. I go on to talk about all those things as seen in my eight steps. But I thought we would start with something very simple, even if it may not be all you need to do. That's why it's only step one and not the only step. It might be impossible or extremely difficult to modify an Apple phone for example. I'm not going to say impossible but very hard for sure. Second hardest would be any phone with Android on it. So, therefore, that means most phones would be really hard to protect from hackers. I know that. But that does not mean we can't at least take baby steps in the right direction. Of course, we all should learn more about what else we can do to help people with these types of issues. But one thing at a time.

Taking the battery out is like putting a bandage on a cut, a wound. So, it may stop the symptom. It may help a little. But it does not necessarily heal your body or phone. But, stopping the bleeding helps a little. It's a step in the right direction. Rome wasn't built in a day.

I'm just trying to maybe encourage people towards understanding that we should not act like victims, excessively, in thinking we can never ever possibly try to fix some of our problems. We can at least try. Why not?

@Hekonu, have you ever called somebody on one phone, using a SIM card? Have you ever taken the SIM card out and became unable to call people when there was no SIM card in your phone? Have you ever put that SIM card into another phone to call people? I used to do this in Vietnam with unlocked phones. Generally, in America, many phones are locked.

What is the purpose of a SIM card? Why can't you call people without a SIM card? I know some of the newer phones may not have SIM cards. But for the older ones, it seems that SIM allows you to use your phone service. That would mean that without your SIM, could your phone company, like Comcast or AT&T, still be able to connect to your phone? If you say yes, then that would mean that SIM has no purpose. I think it does have a purpose. Otherwise, how could not having SIM stop you from calling people? Yes, there are other ways for hackers to get in.

But my point is that one of the ways a hacker can get in is through your phone service. It seems that SIM is like a password that allows you to access your phone service. So, if you take it out, then you should be unable to access your bars, your phone service. Therefore, that would be one less road or option for a hacker to hop on in order to find a way into your phone. Of course, a hacker or a virus could possibly find another way into your phone, I know. But at least you tried lol.

When you go to buy a phone, look for:

  1. Removable Battery
  2. Removable SIM
  3. Removable MicroSD or some kind of memory card.
  4. Bonus Feature: at least three SIM-slots
  5. Another Bonus: See if the phone is unlocked or learn how to unlock it.
  6. Linux/GNU-based operating-system preinstalled or learn how to install an OS into a phone.
  7. Learn how to change settings in your phone.
  8. Phone apps, by default, are allowed to spy on you: sometimes, they ask if they can use your cam and mic and other things: learn how to go in there and check the settings to your apps.
  9. Make sure there are no spyware, viruses, bad software, etc.
  10. Make sure there are no spy chips, bad hardware things, etc.

@Hekonu, so, in other words, you have no idea what a SIM card is, then. You read what I wrote and all you got out of it was nothing. That tells me you have no idea what I wrote. Because I'm not talking about WIFI. I didn't say WIFI. I said phone service. What part of phone service did you not understand? You can access WIFI via your phone service and you can also access WIFI from a place that has wireless Internet.

@Hekonu, why would you factory reset a phone that is already at factory reset? I'm talking a brand new phone that is already at factory reset, AKA default. That's why I said default settings, AKA factory reset settings. Most phones have default settings that gives it permission to spy on you and remote access. Alex Jones may have forgotten to turn off remote access or who knows what. That's why I started this thread, because I think Alex could have known better.

@Hekonu, that's what I'm saying. You can change the settings in your phone. These are a few different things that you're conflating. There are two ways to get online, through WIFI and through your SIM. it's that simple. Even phones that don't have removable SIMs have internal SIMs that you cannot remove. But the SIM is still there even if you cannot see it.

Why do you say no when we agree that SIM allows you to access your phone service, like I said already, and as said in your own words, the ability to use a phone number, your phone, to call people, to text, and for people to be able to call and text you, meaning that your SIM is like a password or authentication unit. So, keep in mind that you can connect to the Internet without SIM. If you take your SIM out of your phone, you can still connect to WIFI. But you can also connect using your SIM as well.

@Bingozee, I agree that if your Gmail was hacked for example, then that simply means hackers and bots went to the Gmail.com domain to try a million times to crack the password (brute-force). Google's Gmail website is on the Internet and not on a phone. It's like in the cloud or the world wide web.

But they do have options where you could require that you must verify twice before they let you login. For example, you could log in on your computer and then they could send you a confirmation to your phone. That could stop hackers as long as as they don't also hack your phone.

Also, websites may also have limits to how many times the password can be guessed before it's locked-out. Then, you are sent an email saying somebody's trying to hack your account. Then, you go and change the password.

@Bingozee agrees with me as we both said the same things but in different words concerning SIM and WIFI. He referenced the telnet and Internet. The telnet is the telephone network.

@Memeart, there are phones out there that allow people to swap in and out the parts like a computer. Someday, I should try to buy one. Yes, these special phones are extremely rare. They're not sold at Walmart. I've not seen them at any store yet. But they are there. Some of them are still in beta.

I know how to assemble computers. I can teach people how to do it. Therefore, all you need to do is simply buy customizable parts in order to assemble phones. Technically, you can already customize phones. I could teach you how to do it. Some of it may involve welding. But people can learn how to weld.

You say tomato, I say oatmeal. Potato, potatoe. Soldering, welding. It's like spoons and shovels. A shovel is like a big spoon. Like forks and rakes.

I went to Walmart and bought their cheapest smart phone that was made by some not so famous company. But if people are afraid of going to Walmart due to mass shootings, and the end of the world in 12 years, maybe they'll go to Free Geek and learn about computers.

@Trey060, please contemplate what a secondary battery can do when compared to what the primary battery does.

Turning off the phones does stop some problems. It really depends on who is attacking you. If the government is after you for example, it will probably be tougher. A lot harder. But one thing at a time, folks.

integrated Lights-Out (iLO) appears to be a remote-access (backdoor) motherboard access server management which reminds me of alarm systems people put in their homes to protect them from robbers and yet the security cameras can spy on the customers as well. So, iLO appears to be an example of something like a Trojan Horse that you would either want to remove, deactivate, replace, or reprogram.

@Trey060, but it appears that iLO is for servers and not phones, however. But of course, I'm sure some phones may have things inside them that can be accessed remotely. I understand that. But one thing at a time. @Memeart, great video. I like Raspberry Pi.

@Trey060, there are differences between servers and phones. Yes, phones can be used as servers, but by definition, they're not supposed to be, generally speaking. I've never seen a phone host a website before. A general definition of a server would be that it hosts websites as a web server. I'm trying to give people hope, step by step. You seem to be focused on taking hope away from people. I believe in trying. I believe in encouraging others in at least trying. That's the purpose of this thread, for example. I believe the future is up to we the people. Some people talk about how we are entering end-times. But they should be using that as a motivation to go against globalism. There are things we can try to do to counter remote access, etc. That's what I'm trying to emphasize on.

@Trey060, why do you use Windows and Apple and do you also use other operating systems?

Stopping FRS

10:38 PM - Steemit - WSJ

What can we do in the meanwhile? Don’t you dare say Bitcoin.

@Alex, Bitcoin saved my life. So, you are telling that I should have died. Bitcoin saved my life. But I'm retarded for not dying, right? I should have died. You want me to suffer and die. Because Bitcoin helped me return from Vietnam to America. Bitcoin is a system for storing value. Later on, you can then exchange that value for gold and for other currencies. It is the future. Bitcoin is a great idea. The competition of money is the next best invention since sliced bread. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies will be rising in the 2020's, said Oatmeal Joey Arnold, that is the next generation, and you will be missing out in the fight against Rothschild and others and in competing in better alternatives. The same thing can be said about replacing addictions as well. Exposing the Federal Reserve is only step one. If you don't give people hope, then they are less likely to stop. Like smoking for example. People have to be transitioned off to a replacement to smoking. People are attached to the dollar. But there are alternatives. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Invest in different things. Long-term.

Removing Generals

10:47 AM - IWA

It is possible that a person did pass on the number via a different avenue and it is also possible that different decisions were made which all comes down to individual freedoms and choices with different individuals even within a team of people going to Portland, Oregon, for example.

Rich Man

11:10 AM - Rich man means Rothschild. Fiddler on the roof. Strategy on teaching music to people. People should be encourage to buy more than they rent.


11:53 AM - Steemit

Disclaimer, everything I write is for no purpose at all. Disclaimer, everything I do and say and see are for on purposes at all.

Racist Water

12:02 PM - Bitchute - Ron Gibson

People are putting fluoride in bottled water which is reducing the IQ in many people by 40 points or 40% at least over time. On top of that, 5G is fluoriude bullets 2.0.

Racist Water

12:04 PM - Facebook

I love distilled water. I hate bottled water. I'm feeling better.


12:19 PM - Steemit


You can say it is not betting, but it is betting. Different people vote. Different people upvote. So, one person may get more curation rewards from that one vote. Another person may get less rewards for one vote.

Equality Myth

So, not all votes are created equal.

Different Factors

So, I call that betting. Because there are several factors that may determine what you might get from your vote. So, you are betting on your vote. You vote and you may get some money or a lot of money. So, that is the same as betting.


Yes, I agree with you that you may lose. So, it is a matter of winning or losing like you said. Funny that you pretend to disagree and then you prove my point. Yes, it is not different than when you post or comment. You might be rewarded with nothing or a little bit of money or a lot of money.


Most people either earn no money or very little money for curation and for posting. So, it is like betting. That's the game of life.


It is a game of competition, of winning and losing. I do something and I may get a lot out of it or not. But like in life, most people lose.

Steemit Pie

On Steemit, many people get rewarded a small piece of the pool, of the pie. I like that. Because that is how the free market works. You have supply and demand.

Work Hard

You work hard and you might get more in life.

Regret vs Failure

But you may still lose no matter how hard you work in life and on Steemit.

Why Not Try

But you might win too. So, you might get lucky. It is all about timing. It is about being in the right place at the right time. That's what Original Oatmeal is all about.

Fluoride War

01:53 AM - Bitchute

Krill oil helps fight against fluoride, etc.


03:57 PM - Children's Craniofacial Association (CCA)

Bitcoin Debate

04:05 PM - IWA

@Alex, what cannot be manipulated? The Federal Reserve manipulates money through regulations, tax hikes, etc. Love can be manipulated. Many things can be. Blockchain is behind a major tech race that is globally revolutionizing new projects all the time. David Knight was talking to the Substratum founder for example. The free market especially can be manipulated by pump and dump. So, by your standards alone, you should get out of this free market system and move to Venezuela. There are major breaks in technology. But the fake news is not going to tell you about it. Fake news tells you how bad Trump is. Ironically, the same fake news also tells you how bad Bitcoin is. So, Alex, the fake news must be right.

Is the dollar backed by gold? What do you think about cryptography, the science and mathematics behind cryptography that is decentralized and unstoppable? Do you understand that the Federal Reserve is centralized? Do you realize that digital currency is not cryptocurrency? Who should determine the value of money, the globalists or the patriots? Yes, digital currency is bad. Yes, but cryptocurrency is not digital currency. People say that they are the same are lying to you. Which company owns Bitcoin? Do you know the answer to that question?

Chain of Things

04:32 PM - Chain of Things


Blockchain Tech List

05:08 PM - Medium


05:47 PM - uJO


Imbrex - Blockchain Real Estate

Ad Chain

Name Bazaar

Eth Lance

Meme Factory


Git Coin


Live Peer


90+ Ethereum Apps

State of the Dapps


What's your favorite web browser?

06:37 PM - IWA

I've been using Firefox for the bookmarks, plugins, and customization. I have other web browsers I use on my computer as well, like chromium (not Chrome), Vivaldi, Brave, Arora, etc. I should probably stop using Firefox. It's hard as it seems convenient to use Firefox. My main concern is customization. Sometimes, I test-drive different browsers. So far, Firefox has always had more options than other browsers. But at the same time, Firefox may have some problems. I try to avoid browsers of Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc.

Alex Broke His Phone

06:40 PM - IWA

True, but it is not supposed to be that way. Yes, that is how things are. The phone is not supposed to be a server. Therefore, tech cartels are violating laws.

Phones can be servers and clients. But there are things we can do to fix that. You can say no. I’m going to say yes. So, you can tell people to have no hope. But there is always hope over dope. There are always things we can do.

Technically, rooting is not enough. Rooting is an attempt to get on top of the software. However, hardware plays a factor as well. People should consider remove spyware hardware out of their computers, phones, devices, etc. We talked a little bit about some of this already. But, one step at a time.

But can you deactivate spyware, spy chips, from the root? Can you eliminate and stop all of the backdoors, all of the remote access from being rooted?

Mea Omnia

07:43 PM - IWA

No but I was building Mea Omnia in 2012 and then gave up on that.


08:37 PM - IWA

His Story (History) describes a story of interactions between God and man through different situations (dispensations). The Jewish people is God's chosen people. Christ became a baby, grew up into a human man, offered the Kingdom of God to the nation of Israel and, yet, Israel rejected Jesus as the king of the Jews. After that, Christ offered the kingdom to the Gentiles as well, meaning Christians are also part of God's chosen people in a way. Not exactly in the same way as there are differences too at the same time.

If you follow the life of Christ, you can see Him going to the Jews. Later on, he does a pivot and goes to the Gentiles. You can see this especially in the book of Matthew.

If they were not or are not God's people, then please give me a summary of the book of Hosea.

Salvation is by grace through faith, of course. That has always been true. But I'm NOT talking about personal salvation.

I'm not expecting answers. The Bible already has the answers. Salvation is constant. But this thread is not about personal salvation. It is about another issue.

Bingozee Books

8:37 PM - IWA

@Bingozee wrote: "@DEPLORABLE_HILL are you just a fucking Troll or Leftist… Get the Fuck out of here… GET A LIFE MAN!! So… What kind of LOOSER would even Post shit like that!? I would only surmise a MORON. PS: @joey’s a RAT! Observe."

You want this place to be a safe space. You're right, what a joke.

Oh God, please don't replace Owen Shroyer's face with my face.

Decentralized Apps (Dapps)

09:26 PM - IWA

Here is a list of 2,247 Decentralized Applications (Dapps). More are on its way. That's the future of Internet 3.0.

Here is a list of the rankings.


09:28 PM - IWA

Libertarians are not trying to conserve things?

RINO Republicans are not conservatives, even when they call themselves conservatives. They're not even republicans. They're redefining terms.

Safe Space

09:30 PM - IWA

@Zor, you do not want this place to be like Twitter?

Harrison Smith Show

09:32 PM - IWA

Shout out to Pew Die Pie and his new wife.

The Red Pill Show, with your host, Harrison Smith.

If Harrison had his own show, what would you name it?

Bingozee said it was about us and not about God. It's actually both at the same time. It's about being part of it if you want.


09:59 PM - IWA

I should probably watch Babylon 5, which reminds me of Deep State 9 which I also need to watch. I really enjoyed watching Battlestar Galactica and Firefly.

Alex Phone

10:07 PM - IWA

Change your DNS. Use proxies. Use encryption. Use firewalls. Use better OSes, programs, etc. Get around ISP, etc.

Wind of Eternity

10:13 PM - IWA

Eternal principles have been the common sense tablets that have been with mankind since the dawn of time. Go with your gut to the extent that it is aligned with the wind of eternity, which is Christ.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

10:37 PM - IWA

@stefan.molyneux talked about this. He used to work on things like this. Generally, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is simply protocol-based with code, programs, with things like if this, then that. Of course, it depends on the technology and how complex it might be. Ultimately, each human should have their own robot body guards, guns, computers, etc.

Internet 3.0 will be rising in the 2020's, this next decade, said Oatmeal Joey Arnold, Joeyarnoldvn L4OJ Ojawall, and decentralization is fundamental to independent freedoms. The problem is when AI is remote controlled, that is through backdoors, from centralized global tech cartels, from China, from Rothschild, from the Vatican, from other groups, from the globalists, that is through remote access. We must always defend private property rights. That's fundamental. Technology is a tool that is used for good and for bad. Ultimately, you should always invest in different things. Always be prepared. Seek after eternal principles, common sense, wisdom, historical patterns, etc, etc, in order to handle whatever AI throws at us.


10:52 PM - Steemit

I could rhyme. But if I did, like in a poem, you might think I was Data from Star Trek lol.

Robot Hands

10:55 PM - Steemit

There are probably robot hands that can write out there. But you need to know that there is a lot out there that we don't know, a lot of secret technology that they hide from people.

Brain Phones

11:07 PM - Steemit

Aliens Can Write Too LOL

Exactly. Ultimately, it may not matter whether something was written by humans, AI, bots, aliens, or even your cat.


Ultimately, what matters is what we do with it. If an AI writes a letter to you saying, "Burn down your house," then will you, @metzli, burn down your house?


I guess, if the AI was pretending to be your best friend in the whole wide world that you truly trusted, then you might consider it because you trust your friend so much. Ultimately, you would need to verify that your friend wrote it. So, make sure you have a secure communication between you and your friend.


Now, if the AI tries to promote something that is wrong, then you might be persuaded to believe in that thing. So, like you said, it is all about humans training humans and it comes down to understanding eternal principles. If the AI shares a good idea, then it is a good idea.

Brain Extension

The AI is simply like an extension of our brains in some ways. The AI can go through if this, then that, in the programming. The AI is simply a complex math problem. Like if A=B, then C=D, but if A+T=Y, then C=F.

AI Math

Bunch of math. That's AI. But people think. People can go with their logic or not. But the AI only goes by logic (programming). It looks like to us as if the AI is alive. Like you said, many things dehumanizes humans. That's bad. We have value. We are priceless. We should have robot body guards.

Brain Phones

Brain phones are coming. Celebrities will stick computer chips in their brains, if the have not already and say it is liberal and cool by 2020, that is next year, if they are not already doing it right now.


They love transhumanism. I will try to not do that. But many people will be tempted to get brain phones. There are reasons why I wouldn't.


But some people will feel like it would be better to do it. In some ways, they will be trying to turning us into AI while they stick computer chips into our brains. Some people already have computer chips.

Acitivism Debate

11:29 PM - IWA

@Pippydop, how can it encourage people to do activism if it is hiding behind a login portal that requires you to login before you can see the activism videos? You want to inspire like Twitter or do you want to hide in a private email?

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