
Abortion Bill Screenshot at 2019-02-04 22:16:37.png

Getting Ready

- 12:38 AM - 2019-02-04 - Monday - Preparing For The Future - We gotta be preparing for post-Trump, each day.... @Mongoose, I was teaching English in Vietnam. Did some girls like me, like really like me? Not sure. Long story..... @FreedomFighter414 wrote, "PROPERTARIANISM is not a Johnny come lately, it’s been around since the 1800’s with the roots of Propertarianism in our COUNTRIES founding, there was a REASON why women couldnt VOTE, why gay men were looked down upon, why if you dont have OWNERSHIP you couldnt vote…it is called STAKE IN THE GAME…when you have no OWNERSHIP…you are preyed upon…parasites at the TOP parasites at the BOTTOM…both keeping your life in 2nd gear, PROPERTARIANISM changes the behaviors you have that are keeping you from BEING SUCCESSFUL…owning property…knowing your rights…HAVING ownership and say in this country…the ESTABLISHMENT is keeping you from obtaining!"Exactly, gotta have stake in the game, historically, logically, it has been better that way.... MSM does stuff. The Convington Kids & that Bully Indian Story is an example of that.....


- Going Back to What Works - @FreedomFighter414 wrote, "ATHIESTS and AGNOSTICS gave US all the PROBLEMS because we let them LIVE amongst us…taking our kindness for WEAKNESS…where the Muslims would have JUST killed them, we ALLOWED them to contribute to our society, and what they DEEM as progress, they ALLOWED OUR ENEMIES to encircle US…this is how they THANK us..." Exactly. Contribution is something we slowly, gradually, forget, over the decades...... Satan is the brother of Jesus, according to the Mormons.... Bingozee, "Consider the “born again” thing is a fallacy, for this to be possible in any way you would first have to be dead otherwise is play on words and suggestive indoctrination." Who was that old guy who said, "How can a person be born again? Does he have to go right back into his mommy?" Was his name Saint Nick, John 3? It must have been a miracle or voodoo magic.... I'm a fan of Charlie Sheen. Winning like Donald Trump... Reminds me of that awesome song, "I'm proud to be American, where at least I know I'm free, and I won't forget the men who died to give that right to me..." .... Weather modification technology is out there. People like Alex Jones and Lionel Nation have interviewed experts on these subjects. The Vietnam American War had suspicious events happening. Also, don't forget about geoengineering is happening. Big Pharma is doing things. A lot of different things are happening. How do we get more people to see what is happening all around the world? All the tree huggers might wanna hug us for letting them know what the globalists are doing to our world. People who believe global warming, climate change, global cooling, things like that, should go after the globalists who are responsible for weather modification and many different things. Know thy enemies. Get more people on board. A lot of people want to save the whales. A lot of people like to recycle. We gotta find ways to let them know where environmental problems come from.... Mama Potato wrote, "In retrospect, it makes all the sense in the world that Endgame would have a lot in common with The Leftovers, but it’s still arresting to see that everyone left in the MCU is struggling to cope with what was essentially the rapture by way of an insane alien god. But the scale of Thanos’ attack on the universe is something that leaves Earth a profoundly different place—cities feel dead, stadiums are left empty, and the world’s mightiest heroes are doing everything they can to prepare for their next big battle." Very interesting.... @Mischief_With_Griff wrote, "I do know humans are full of positive and negative energy." People, by default, lean more negative. We make a difference, to begin with, simply by leaning the other direction. Bingozee wrote, "Foremost prominent response of the mentally ill is first denial then deflection." But thank God you don't ever deny or deflect, right? ..... Alex Jones makes great points. Yeah, Joe Rogan is missing out. What is HAARP?

Finding Freedom

- @Paladin to @FreedomFighter414: "You didn’t 'allow' jack shit. Congress shall make no law…Sound familiar? Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, those are the principles this country was founded on. If you don’t like it, get the fuck out of my country FASCIST." Sadly, Paladin is not considering what that meant at that time, back when people were generally more Christian. More people were on the same page when it came to logic, objectivity, morality. Paladin takes things out of historical context.... @Nwenglarz asked @Paladin the following question, "Without a God, what is the value of life?" ..... @Paladin said to @Nwenglarz, concerning @FreedomFighter414, "He’s the one telling me I am not allowed not to believe, I should be lucky I haven’t been killed for not believing, etc. Fucking Christian fanatic fascist, 100%. No exaggeration. Read his posts to me and then try to defend them." But that didn't happen. Paladin is either purposely or mistakenly misquoting people. I'm not sure if he is doing this with the intent to divide like Soros or not...

Drama Destroys?

- Nwnglarz wrote, "This app is live with drama and will die as a result." But wouldn't that mean that Infowars would have been gone years ago according to that logic, right? See, drama is an object lesson, potentially. That's the point. You can learn from this. You can see how progressive liberals argue, how they think, how they do things, by reading these threads, these forums, on this app, on this website, on computers, on phones, on devices. We learn from illustrations like this. We bring people together. Savannah Hernandez might agree with you, that we spend too much time looking at the divide. They post videos of the drama on the streets in order to help us learn. Steven Crowder does Change My Mind Videos for the same reasons we participate in these threads.

Catholicism is not Christianity.

- The Crusades was a response to Muslim Invasions. Paladin wrote, "Christianity is responsible for the death, murder and suffering of hundreds of millions." He is conflating Christianity with things that are allegedly labelled, falsely, as Christian. Just because something is deemed Christian, doesn't mean it is. Go back to the source, Jesus, in order to discover what Christianity really is. Go back to the source of Islam, Muhammad, to find out what Jihadism & Sharia is all about..... @Bingozee is now a comedian. He wrote, "Hey! This is not your thread! How dare you post your comments here, going to have to tell on you! MODERATOR... Just trying to cheer peeps… so much drama in this sad world of ours…" .... Catholics are not Christians. Paladin wrote, in defiance of that, "Factually incorrect. Christianity has inflicted murder on its own in the form of sectarian violence for a millennia." .... Bingozee seems to have changed his writing style, at least for today. Bingozee wrote, "Be like, 'DON’T FEED THEM TROLLS, THEY WILL HUMP YOUR GOATS.' Hehehe." ... What's your authority? What's your foundation, objectively? @Troy wrote, "For the record, I’m not a Christian nor am I a believer in the Bible." I see what you did there. Play-on words. TheRecFem wrote, "GOD IS I AM. I AM NOT I AM!" .... Exactly. That's what it is all about. Pipeline wrote, "Isn’t that great meeting like minded patriots..." ...... Yes. No. Regardless, we shouldn't wait to find out. Think win-win in life. Either you get involved, everybody, in order to help Trump, because he failed too much, or you get involved to help Trump because he is winning too much, or a combination therein. We gotta think proactively, more and more. FreedomFighter414 wrote, "Trump is a FAILURE, I am preparing for civil war!"


- Bitcoin is good but also dangerous for a few reasons. I wrote, "Alex Jones said Soros was trying to give Bitcoin a bad name..." Cryptocurrencies are competing with the Federal Reserve, which is not federal, and with fiat currencies in general, like the dollar, and world banks and Soros and others. That's good. It's good to compete. It's good to seek to decentralize the centralized tyrannies in the world. Globalists have been using monetary systems, money systems, to enslave humanity for centuries. So, collect gold, if you can, everybody. Collect canned foods. Collect things before it is too late..... Yes. True. Call it drama, like what we have here, maybe. Call it whatever you want. But I like what Alex Jones does. I believe in it for a bunch of reasons. @ProudInfidel wrote, "So now he is defending himself against Joe Rogan which he should. It’s honestly really important because there’s a lot of people blinded by “oh Joe Rogan is a free thinker” nonsense..." Yes. Agreed. @TheIsz wrote, "[Alex Jones] picks his battles..." Yes. It's better that way. @CaptRon wrote, "[Alex Jones has been] interrupting as we are trying to watch...." Well, if you don't like it, then don't watch AJ. I understand why AJ does what he does. It's for a bunch of reasons. I could start a new thread about it. But it works. It's better that way. I like it. It's better than alternatives for a bunch of reasons. The biggest reason is that there is not enough time to not do that..... Yes. Exactly. AJ is doing that. He's helping the world in so many ways. @TheIsz wrote, "Imhv, AJ’s primary job is town crier. His goal is not being what NBC or ABC should be. AJ’s job is to break through the conditioning, not just by reporting the truth, which if that was all would be very brief and easy. AJ also has to prove his truth, he has to prove their lies, he has to make it consumable for any listener based on the general public’s comprehension level so they can connect the dots (to which he’s constantly repeating himself because every listener is at a different level of wokeness) and on top of all this by picking and choosing his battles....." @Pipeline wrote, "[Alex Jones] has changed from his original style. Listen to some shows from 5-10 years ago."

Finding Balance

- Here is a great quote from Mama Potato who wrote, "If you don’t balance exposing evil with being immersed in God’s Word, you run a high risk of falling away..." Unity is crucial. Paladin is right, when he wrote, "You’ll need all the friends you can find soon enough. Remember that."

Screenshot at 2019-02-04 22:21:22.png

First Snow of 2019

- 08:24 AM - Reviewing Sunday - The state and the city, near Seattle, is pushing us to have water meters which keeps track of how much of our own well water that we use. We are not using city water. We are outside city limits. I started seeing snow around this time, while washing dishes, right outside the kitchen window, Sunday night, 06:16 PM apx.

They Are What They Are

- 04:29 PM - Monday - Confronting Evil - Infowars Forum - @Troy confessed to be Mormon when he said, “But, but, but, I am a god!” Troy might be a globalist if he is speaking of transhumanism. Troy wrote, “For example, the church I’m creating I teach point-blank how to become immortal.” Yes. Agreed. We can transform. We can change. Troy wrote, “Most focus on morality vs. immortality. Morality is when you use your mind to control your actions by ignoring urges to engage sin, but immortality is when you resolve the sin itself and if you do that then you have no urges. At that point there’s no need to control yourself because your natural self is godly without having to focus on specific actions.” - Deporables Song - New Song on Abortion by the Deplorable Choir. We are in physical and spiritual wars. @KeyRobInfo18 wrote, “Since we are here to take back this country, I thank you for sharing your argument because this is what we will be dealing with when we have to go into spiritual combat to win back the USA.” @Paladin wrote, “Agnostics simply don’t believe.” That reminds me of Al Gore’s An Inconvient Truth. Potato: "I’ve been researching since 2001… Awake fully since 2012 :grin::+1::revolving_hearts: my grandma actually started me researching and helped me wake up…" Also, somebody wrote, "We had a guy in Detroit LOU GORDON, who was the Alex Jones back in 70s and on TV but I hated him because he came on before my favorite Scary movie time not much of Lou on YouTube..." Keypoint wrote, "There are so many angles of war being waged on us, the tv, pharmaceuticals, targeting children, freedom of speech, firearm rights, open treason by corrupt individuals, 5g, pollution, climate change government, and funding terrorism. Its hard to step away, because it takes resources of time, energy, and money to fight this. We have to take freedom back, if we lose it, humans may never get it back." Evil Joe Rogan interviewed Tulsi Gabbard. Twitter Man Jack Dorsi funds Joe Rogan. Knight: "IF Trump Doesnt Act, like he should, then Deliverance will Come From Somewhere Else, but Trump himself will Perish." If we don’t do all that we can do, will we perish? Bingozee: "they are not the CAUSE, there just symptoms..." Yeah, some people may be more like a symptom. There is more to it than just that, but that is an important factor to understand. Bingozee: "I am unable to answer your call.." @Bingozee wrote, “I am unable to answer your call.” What call? You mean, my video or all the private messages that you continue to spam me with? I am not sure what Bingozee is saying. I know that I am trying to get more people involved in the information war. That’s my job. How do I wake up more people, is what I ask myself each day. Paladin: "My criticism of Christianity is only part of a larger criticism of religion in general." Christianity is not religion. Paladin: "Why would you feel you have to go into spiritual combat with those who simply don’t believe what you do?" Things are what they are, even if you don’t believe that they are what they are.

Not Good Enough?

- 2019-02-04 - 08:49 PM - Monday - Troy Saw God or Satan? - Infowars Forum - But not good enough to join them? Paladin: “Most are good people, but unfortunately, it’s the lunatics that command the most attention.” Technology is good and bad. Yes, it’s hurting us. But what’s the alternative? Hxtr: “I have used computers since I was a kid in the 80’s. I can’t imagine the number of mental illnesses being created with today’s technology.” Troy saw God? Maybe Troy saw Satan. Troy, "Personally, I’ve seen god. It looks like a sphere of water in space with many tentacles coming out of it and tentacles coming out of the tentacles. It’s invisible yet perceivable, like water in that it is transparent yet it can bend and reflect light." What about online activism? Also can we call Jo Rogan Jo Rogain now? We gotta make more memes about Joe Rogan. I’m not sure what I think about Bitcoin. But I’m against world banks. That’s one of the reasons why we gotta talk about this more. They want us to face-scan to get on Twitter. How do we get more involved, everybody? "I want to start attending town and county council meetings, and go to a couple legislative breakfasts with representatives." Good idea - How-To Thread - Teach people how-to do things here.

Baby Pop Body Parts

- 2019-02-04 - 09:08 PM - Monday - While Babies Are Sold - Infowars Forum - Somebody wrote, "Can somebody please create an infomercial that I believe will help wake liberal millennials. Everybody remembers the baby bottle pop commercial. Baby bottle pop, baby bottle pop, it’s a baby bottle pop… Please utilize the words, baby body parts, baby body parts, we sell baby body parts…" Well wrote, "Since Ishmael always tries to persecute Isaac, proving to be the sons of the devil that they are..." Paladin: "It believes there is a god, which is “known” as a matter of fact to exist." How do you know that? Handy Randy: "Let’s keep the Goat naming to a minimum please!" Goats have feelings, too. Fighter: "ATHIESTS AND AGNOSTICS ARE THE PROBLEM!!" Paladin: "I don’t think you’ve posted this on enough threads." Repetition helps. Randy: "Don’t worry about this one!" I try not to. Matt: "I don’t believe in is religion..." What about fellowship of the rings? Somebody: "There is only one path to God and only one Holy Word." When you say Word, do you mean Jesus, who is the Word? Bingozee: "Please don’t copy...." lol @bingozee lol.... Elevator Music.... Parkway Drive... Piano player censored by NWO... where? .... Somebody: "Actually, me and my husband are writing several metal songs that are inspired by Infowars...." Funny song. But heart warming and true, “After all, he’s just a man.” Haha.... Somebody: "Trump’s plan is part of God’s plan." Can we get in on the action? Somebody: "I run over 4 miles a day six days a week." That’s the way to do. If only more people tried this. Smith: "This site has been compromised..." Does that we should give up? Smith: "The President has to do what needs to be done to save America." Who cares. I only care about what we do. What can we do to help? Somebody: "I am getting ready to order the book Conceived in Liberty..." Somebody: "If we go high tech with this, we are playing into their hands..." You can choose to run and hide or you can choose to utilize technology and harness it for impacting culture.... CNN are liars. Infowars, there’s a war on for your mind.... How can I get into Heaven, what must I do? Most people think they must do good works and earn their way into Heaven. But you cannot do that.... Should we do yellow jackets in America or something more covert? Good question. Somebody: "This is part of the control, read 1984." Mama Potato: "I figured I must be doing something right...." You only receive flack, plack, black, slack, rack, track, wack, nack, crack, haha, crap, pack, zack, Frank haha, and OATMEAL POTATO, when you’re over the target.

The Job Terminator

- 2019-02-04 - 10:46 PM - Monday - Sky Net is Real - @zyx066 - Will robots take over the world like they did in the Terminator films? Great article. We gotta stay on top of tech before it gets on top of us. The problem lies mostly in the globalists, the technocrats, those who control and utilize technology to control humans, globally.

Seven Videos

- 2019-02-04 - 10:55 PM - Monday - Video Page - Bingozee Song - 14:12:27 PM - Pursue What is True Song - 15:19:24 - Just Wanna Be Your Friend - 15:12:01 - Animals Are Dying - 15:06:50 - Never Let Go Song - 15:01:10 - Hey Boy Hey Girl Song - 14:52:29 - Hey Frank Song - 19:35:48 - filmed these 7 videos around 14:12 PM or 02:12 PM - 07:35 PM approximately. They were off at her 100th birthday party. I was here. So, I made some videos. A few were songs I wrote years ago. I added new spin to my old songs. I freestyle. Wrote a few news songs and included some commentary. I shared the Bingozee and Frank songs on Infocom. Bingozee said he didn't want me to use his name. But then he said he didn't really care except that I did it the wrong ways. He claims that I take people out of context. He would probably say he didn't even say this, either haha.

Portfolio of My Family

Atkins - Crystal - Donald - Dwana - Joey - Katie - Marilyn - Pets - Rick - Tiffany

Amazon Terminator Borg Robots

- 2019-02-04 - 11:58 PM - Monday - Soros Was Arrested? - Info Wars Army Forum - Roku is like Twitter. Lucas Knight: “Its Very Leftist. Apps on there, non Christian, have Libtard SJW Brainwashing ad spots. Infowars and Christian apps don’t always work well on there. I’m cancelling acct too, and switching to Klowd TV. Infowars is on That.” Joe Rogan is worse than I thought. NPC: “Wow…total slander and lies…Fuck Rogan…I hope Alex talks shit about him everyday he is on air imo.” - Good episode of the Michief With Griff with Proud Infidel - ThIsz wrote, “Trump has proven himself by action more than any on the planet, bar none.” No. Not alone. TheIsz told FreedomFighter414: “‘WE?’ You’re alone son, that’s why you’re begging for attention.” False. He is not alone. Others agree and are trying to think more long-term for our children, for future generations, via Edutainment, education, memes, etc. Why not? Good question. Keyrobinfo18: “My recommendation is that everyone make contact with their trusted ones and do not make any unusual purchases or unusual phone calls to people.” Yes. Agreed. That’s the point. That’s why we do what we do towards that goal, that end. April: “If things ever get back into the right hands, then I would want technology to do good things for culture” - George Soros was arrested on Sunday, the 3rd of February, 2019, in Switzerland? - But did Twitter God Jack Dorsey not give Joe Rogan millions of dollars? Joe is leading young people astray. He’s educating people through the vehicle of entertainment, and that is long-term warfare upon future generations. That is why Alex Jones is so emotional, because this kind of impact doesn’t show up until many decades later. Joe is planting seeds inside kids and leading them down a dark path. People can contact Project Veritas if they are interested in infiltrating groups. ZyroFoxtrot, “Came across some job postings for newscorp here in Austin…wondering what the skinny is on that…and potentially an opportunity for infiltration…” Did Well forget our debate? You can’t lose your salvation. Period. You forgot that? Assuming we are not already in Hell. Judge_Lex on Tulsi Gabbard: “No way in hell she’ll win the Democrat nomination.” Steven Crowder is awesome with that prank call video. I don’t agree with this, even if, legally speaking, in regards to calls to violence, as words are only words. I understand how things are. But it might be a bit too subjective, and not objective, at least in some cases, potentially as a foot in the door, a slippery slope towards continual attack on the first and fourth amendments, directly, indirectly, gradually, but surely. Mr_president2028 wrote, “I understand flagging for when people call for violence.” April: "While many people have fallen into their trap of gadgets and had more stress than they ever thought possible." Mama Potato: "They will not hesitate to take out anyone who doesn’t comply." Terminator Borg Future Today. Machine asked, “Hypothetical, What if a group of elites on Earth that hold high ranking positions in the Federation wanted to merge with the Borg? That would be a killer TNG episode except we’re in it right now!” Amazon is behind creating Terminators. Can we create body guard robots to fight them? IW-FEMA-9 wrote, “Those robots are from Boston Dynamics, they are being developed with grants from Amazon, and the U.S. Military Complex/D.A.R.P.A. They will be used to hunt Patriots/preppers. Imagine the four legged robots chasing you with a machine gun on it’s back. They are 4 legged terminators!” Yeah, Artsyneva, we want to white hat hack the robots, the drones, the 5G, and everything. At the same time, build robot body guards and other things.

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