When I was a Kid Challenge by Grow-Pro

Nameste, Here is My Entry!

So i saw this great Challenge by @grow-pro and just had to enter. I had an amazingly outdoorsy childhood. Raised in the bush of Australia. My dad used to invent machines and toys for us and he would collect the most random animals for us to have as pets... i remember he once caught a water rat (like beaver but vicious) and gave it to me as a pet... i took it into my year 1 class for show and tell... the teacher was not impressed. HAHA

Anyway, this photo is from when i was 2 years old... I couldnt really walk, mum mum tells me i was basically still crawling. Well, my crazy father decided if i wasnt going to walk then i would ride! Yeap, i was riding a motorbike before i could walk! Notice the training wheels my dad made for me on the back of the motorbike haha.. So awesome!

That was a typical Aussie Bush kid childhood... growing up on the farm with no care in the world.


Want to Enter? It's Simple!

    • The post can be a photo from your childhood or something that reminds you of your childhood - music, food, clothing, toys, places, or anything like that! Feel free to get as creative as you like!

    • Be sure to use #iwasakid as 1 of your 5 tags in your post - this will help others view your posts related to the challenge!

    • Copy & Paste these simple rules so others can easily participate


    • Engage & Interact - the challenge is meant to bridge​ communication gaps and offer topics of discussion - even if you do not wish to make a post yourself, feel free to check out the #iwasakid tag and comment on your favorites. Friends are usually people we can relate to - you might just find a new friend!

    • Drop your steemit #iwasakid post below in the comments OR in any of my posts with that TAG #iwasakid


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If you are fluent in a language other than English, please consider translating this simple challenge or posting in your own words so more people can participate!


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