Banning Oatmeal - Part 017

Do we want European Union (EU) Internet Laws to dominate the world wide web? - Do we really want link taxes? Do we want to censor memes? It seems that some people are trying to get my content pulled off Steemit and off many different social networks and websites online. People are contacting Steemit right now and are lying to them about me. So, it seems that these people are trying to violate Fair Use, Safe Harbor, Antitrust, and other laws, other things. It seems that these people are in favor of EU link taxes and other Internet censorship blockades. People are lying about me in so many ways. I wasn't stealing but was quoting. People continue to say that I did what I didn't do. What I do is covered in Fair Use. People need to look at that. I'm against Internet Kill Switches. I want the Internet to become as decentralized and as free market as possible in as many ways as possible. I'm in favor of competition. I don't plagiarize but I do reference, quote, hyperlink link, connect, talk about, credit in references, many times, and I comment on these things, and I quote them, and I provide hyperlinks to the other places and money is not bad and it is not money and it is money at the same time and yet it is hard to explain and that is not the point and that is not the whole story. I post things on Steemit that talks about many different things and the quotes are not the posts and the quotes were included in the posts as part of it but not as the entire thing of the posts and therefore it is different. If there is money involved, then it is not of the quotes in and of itself, alone. The quotes are there but the content is not only that but there is more to my posts, comments, articles. My stuff is for educational and transformative purposes. This is part 17 in my Banning Oatmeal series. I've talked about what they try to do to Steven Crowder, Alex Jones, the Hitler Dog Man in Europe, and other people. Some people seem to be going after me like the other people have gone after these patriots.

Infowars Banned Oatmeal

Banning Oatmeal - Part 001 - 002 - 003 - 004 - 005 - 006 - 007 - 008 - 009 - 010 - 011 - 012 - 013 - 014 - 015 - 016 - 017

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Melting Goblins

Who are your favorite goblins? Join the discussion - click here to join the conversation - Texas Patriot said this was his favorite goblin - click here to see the scariest Broadway Joe's Duck-lipped goblin in the world - Texas Patriot - "Here is my favorite." What's your favorite? Join the debate. Join this thread. Join the secret frogs forum

Oatmeal Joe Rogan

Is Oatmeal Joey really Joe Rogan reincarnated?

Goblin Pedophile Oatmeal Joey

Hide your kids, your wives, pull out the guns, get your water filter, oatmeal is coming to town.

Rothschild Lover Griff

Is Joe Griffiths, the Mischief With Griff Mind Bender a Rothschild Lover? - That is a question that should get people to think. I don't really know the answer but that is not the main point to why I asked him that question, not statement, but question. I repeat, and I've said this many times, that my question was not rhetorical and it was not a statement and it was there for a reason. I had my reasons for asking him that question. Maybe he didn't really get or understand, understood, why and how I asked him that question. Again, you can assume it was an accusation, an allegation, but it wasn't, that wasn't my intention, but it might be your assumption if you read too much into what I wrote without connecting all my dots in order to get what I was trying to say and ask. I was trying to say a lot, again, with as little words, as few words, as possible. I'm extreme too often in my life which leads me to writing too much and too little which then leads to people misunderstanding what I'm always trying to communicate as I'm floating around with too many points to make at the same time. Let me try to explain more in the next paragraph, below.

Are You a Rothschild Lover?

2018-11-18 - Sunday - 07:43 AM PST LMS JA - the 18th of November of 2018 - Me - "Are you in love with Rothschild? You love centralized money? Did you know that over 99% of what you call real money is not even there? You know that most of the dollars in the world is digital, and most of it is debt? You know about money transfers, wiring? When you send fiat currency through an ATM, from bank to bank, it is moving digitally but it is not backed up by gold. Therefore, it is less real than Bitcoin for a bunch of reasons. Number one reason could be because the unAmerican Federal Reserve are in control of the Dollar, the regulation of it, the printing presses. It seems that you love the NWO. Because the NWO HATES BITCOIN. And you agree with the NWO. You seem to be an ally of the NWO when you support their tyranny, their centralized control. It seems that you hate alternatives to the Fed. You seem to hate ideas for the future." Griff replied by talking about my accusation. But it wasn't an accusation. It was education and it was simple. Click here to see what Griff said, his reply, his rebuttal, to what I said on the INFOCOMMS. If you are against Rothschild, which you probably are, then you would be looking for alternatives to Rothschild money. Is Bitcoin not an alternative? If it is not an alternative or if it is not good enough as an alternative, then what about the thousands of other cryptocurrencies, even just temporarily? If not, then why does it matter if I make some Steem cryptocurrency on this blockchain cryptocurrency social network website, like why does it matter, like why not, like who cares, like no big deal, if Bitcoin sucks so much, if Steem sucks so much, hypothetically, theoretically, if Steemit really does suck, if it really is not a replacement, a substitution, an alternative, to the Federal Reserve, to fiat currencies, to Rothschild, to centralized world banks, to technocracy, corporatism, plutocracy, globalism, the New World Order (NWO), etc, etc, if Steem is not a threat to Rothschild, if it is not really money, if it sucks so much, then who cares if I make some Steem, assuming it is nothing, assuming it is not a competitor to Rothschild, right, or what? These are questions. I ask people questions in order to get people to rethink and reevaluate. Christopher Adam Carey is right. Griff said that he has gold and silver. That is good and historically a good source of security, money, backup, for thousands of years, all around the world. We all should keep more gold, silver, etc. Griff said he has to pay the bills each month. I agree. I don't disagree. I didn't really disagree with that, to that. But I was trying to challenge him and the whole world. When I write, I know many people read it. So, I wasn't only talking to him. but he looked at it as if we were on a private forum. But it is a public forum. Many people read it. Many people can read it. So, it was a personal attack on him. Many people have accused me of personal attacks for many years online and offline. But they are not attacks but attempts towards illumination. Later on, Griff said that he didn't really have an interest in Bitcoin at that time. And that is fine. But again, I wasn't really addressing him alone. Chappy 1176 Stefan Chapman - "I tend to agree with Griff, I like the idea of untraceable money with crypto, but I feel like crypto is still only worth fiat currencies. Until people can get past that I don’t really trust it either. Just my 2 cents or .00001 Bitcoin is." But you can use cryptocurrencies, peer to peer (P2P), from person to person, computer to computer, through Bit Torrent things, through blockchain, through different things, without the need for fiat currencies at all. I bought a plane ticket with Bitcoin. They then asked how much money Bitcoin it might cost to buy oatmeal. Then Griff said that I probably use malware to mine Bitcoin, for mining Bitcoin. but that is not possible, not really. That is not how Bitcoin works. Then Well said that he downvoted my YouTube video that I shared there. I was taken out of context. I explain it in that thread. Chappy then said that I talk too much. I didn't tell Griff that he had to do Bitcoin. Griff kept on saying that. But I didn't say that. Fake news. I didn't say that. I was trying to make a point. Again and again, I try to say things and ask questions. But they kept on saying that I said what I didn't say what I didn't say. I was making an emphasis on how Bitcoin is an attempt against Rothschild, and that is it, and not that you have to do it, but that it is an attempt at being an alternative, even if Bitcoin sucks, it was a point, it was an emphasis at alternatives to globalism and everything. Watch videos about Bitcoin - click here to see some of the videos right here.

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Forbidden Online Activism

Only CNN can do that - Only CNN can read the Wikileaks - Only CNN can do activism on the Internet - just kidding - what do you think? Click here to enter this debate, this discussion

Viral Video Challenge

2018-12-01 - Saturday - 01:19 AM - Can you make a video that red pills people and make it go viral? Tell us on the INFOCOMMS - click here to see this thread. This Life is Fun music video by TheOdd1sOut makes the Radical Cram School videos look good in comparison. This video is full of NPC comebacks, strikes, at being American. In the video, the kid sings about being young and having fun. But then this other person starts to rip him. For example, he said, “At least you don’t have a black person’s name.” And also that capitalism is a flawed system to name a few.

GOBLIN POLL Screenshot at 2019-03-01 17:07:27.png

Ugliest Goblin Poll

Click here to take the poll - Let us know which goblin is the ugliest.

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Banning Oatmeal - Part 017

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Biography - Social Networks
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Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Timeline Outline

Published in March of 2019 by Oregon's Oatmeal of Shelton, WA, USA & Vietnam
2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-09 - Saturday - 08:11 PM LMS - 2019, Week 05
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-21 - Thursday - 06:42 PM LMS - August of 2013
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 10:18 AM LMS - Wednesday the 27th of February of 2019
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 12:24 PM LMS - Banning Oatmeal - Part 015
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 08:44 AM LMS - Thursday the 28th of February of 2019
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 06:24 PM LMS - Banning Oatmeal - Part 016
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-01 - Friday - 12:06 PM LMS - Friday the 1st of March of 2019
2019-03-01 - Friday - 01:25 PM LMS - Banning Oatmeal - Part 017
Published at 2019-03-01 - Friday - 05:23 PM - Published in March of 2019

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