Understanding Everything About Modern Age IVR Solution

Earlier, interactive voice response (IVR) solutions used pre-recorded menus and prompts to inform options or to present any information to the callers and used to get response from touch tone telephone keypad entry. But nowadays modern IVR solutions enables responses and inputs to be gathered by spoken words with voice recognition.

IVR solutions is very helpful for the customers to retrieve any information like bank balances, product details, order status, flight schedules, movie show times and information on many more things. Additionally, it is used effectively for making outbound calls to get information on pending order or past due bills and on any important activity or event.

Let's learn more about IVR services:

  • It handles customers queries
  • Improves customer service
  • Handles high volume of calls easily
  • Gives service to customers 24*7
  • Lowers call centre costs
  • Prioritize customers so you Don’t miss any urgent calls

IVR solutions is an application designed and programmed in such a manner that it controls and reverts to calls on the IVR platform.

Here is a list of service usage of IVR solutions:

  • Intelligent routing helps the customers to connect with the most appropriate agent of the company according to the client’s requirement.
  • Integrates the IVR solution with internal application of the call centre to improve its work efficiency and enhances operations of the call centre.
  • It expands your ability to get the feedback easily through surveys that populate your database from your IVR solutions.
  • It reduces your idle time to manage outbound campaigns.
  • Advanced call routing allows your team to be accessible via mobile phone, land-line or any other Hosted IVR system.

    Go 2 market India has the ability to pamper their clients with one of the most advanced technology used for the call centres and their best of services and enhance their business. Over the years we as a team are catering best services to our customers with utmost satisfaction and has become one of the known communication company in the entire industry.

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