Original Artwork - misterMiao


This is a concept art for our future game that is still in the phase of conceptualization :) It is drawn by our artist misterMiao with a graphite pencil.

When asked about this piece of art misterMiao said: "Ovo se bazira više na atmosferi nego doslovnom prikazu lika."

This roughly translates to: "After a two day meditation I fell asleep. In my dreams I was visited by a character from our upcoming game. He offered me a lemon and ginger tea blend. I refused him telling him I don't like the flavor. He continued offering different tea flavors until we finally agreed on licorice spice herbal tea. Over the cup of tea he continued persuading me to include him in the list of character concepts for our game. Three kettles later I have budged. I instantly awoke from the trance. I immediately took my graphite pencil and drew him with unprecedented mastery!"

We have also submitted this piece for @ivan.ataman's iTalent Contest!

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