⭐️ Italent Round 6 “Yin Yang Art” timelapse video painting from start to finish)

“Yin Yang Art”

(36 x 36 inch oil on canvas with silverleaf and embossed flower of life)


Hello steemit friends, i have been out for a while, and working on diffrent project and ideas, painting and art has been part of my life and i give my whole heart and mind to each piece.

With this piece i used the yin yang symbol and painted some awesome landscapes, this painting represent our emotions, and trial in life, but as long as we make our minds free as the sky, glide like a bird and swim calmly like a fish and be as one with the water, we can live fully with no worries, problems only exist in our minds and eveything else is just an illusion to keep us distracted to our true potential, that peace and freedom is within our minds and heart.

Love the music that @ivan.atman gave me, “truth in its purest form” the title itself says a lot about who we are and what our purpose in life is, as long as we stay true to ourselves then we will finally realize that we are free.

Here is my timelapse video painting of this awesome masterpiece hope you enjoy it.

this is my entry for @ivan.atman’s Italent round 6 here is a link from his post



thank you so much for viewing my artwork hope your day goes well. Follow me on facebook and instagram seach Errymil Batol Art


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