Daily News Roundup: April 10th 2019


New York measles emergency declared in Brooklyn was the title of this news article from the BBC that I spotted this morning. The critical bit was "All residents in the affected areas have been told to get vaccinated or face a fine". Ah, forced vaccinations! For anyone caught up in this measles hysteria, I highly recommend reading Suzanne Humphries book "Dissolving Illusions". The push to make vaccinations mandatory is relentless and creating a climate of fear is one way to do this along with segregating children from playgrounds, kindergartens and schools if they're not vaccinated. It won't be long before travel restrictions are placed on the unvaccinated. "Don't wait, vaccinate!" is a nice little rhyme that is being used to drive home the message. 

By way of an aside, I find the BBC is particularly annoying when it sports titles like "A really simple guide to India's general election" as if its readership were not capable of understanding the subject unless it is simplified" or "One-minute World News" as if this were the attention span of its readership. 


The Jerusalem Post never fails to provide an article of interest every time I look at it. This one AIRBNB BACKS OFF REMOVING JEWISH W. BANK ADS AFTER SHURAT HADIN LAWSUIT states that:

Airbnb announced on Tuesday that it would rescind its decision to remove ads of Jewish homeowners in Judea and Samaria following a settlement of a Shurat Hadin lawsuit. The rental giant had said in November 2018 that it would ban Jewish property owners living in the West Bank from advertising on its site following objections from groups seeking to boycott Israel. Under the terms of the settlement agreement, Airbnb has agreed to repeal the discriminatory policy, resolving the discrimination lawsuit Shurat Hadin had filed in a federal court in Delaware on behalf of a group of US citizens. The company is incorporated in Delaware.

There's no point into going into the details. This use of the Jewish terms "Judea" and "Samaria" instead of West Bank is now commonplace and it won't be long before all Palestinians living in this area will be expelled into Jordan on one pretext or another and those in Gaza shunted south to somewhere in the Sinai Peninsula. Meanwhile, other organisations (especially those based in the United States) that might have been thinking of making a stand against Israeli expansionism will of course think again. 

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