“My Fellow Americans”—Chuck Schumer Tells Americans They Can’t Have a Wall

…But Will Take U.S. Tax Money to Defend “Our Land" Israel
2019.01.09 | Israel, The Wall, Trump, Schumer, Pelosi

In response to President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address, in which he advocated to build a wall to secure his nation, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Policy accused their President of fearmongering.

Chuck Schumer, an orthodox Jew who likes to refer to himself as the ‘guardian of Israel’, is a controversial figure with dual Israeli-American citizenship. He is known for saying:

“The Palestinian people still don't believe in a Jewish state, in a two-state solution ... They don't believe in the Torah. They don't believe in King David. So, they don't think it [Israel] is our land ...”

In 2010, Schumer also told a Jewish radio program:

“My ancestors were guardians of the ghetto wall in Chortkov and I believe God, actually, gave me the name as one of my roles that is very important in the United States Senate, to be a shomer [guardian] for Israel, and I will continue to be that with every bone in my body.”

Yet, the same Schumer who wants to defend Israel “with every bone” in his body doesn’t think his fellow Americans deserve the same courtesy. Why not?

Nancy Pelosi’s father, the late U.S. Congressman Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr., was a member of the Bergson Group, “a maverick Jewish political action committee” named after the French-Jewish mystic Henri Bergson, the first advocate of Open Society.

Pelosi’s father and the Bergson Group helped change President Roosevelt’s attitude toward saving the Jews from Nazi Germany by allowing refugee camps to be built in the United States.

Though Pelosi’s father was supposedly an Italian Catholic, Nancy Pelosi is known for stating that the U.S. “is overwhelmingly partial to Israel. … We have shared values.” Except, Israel has walls to keep the Arabs out.

Pelosi, of course, isn’t really Catholic. She’s a Jewish woman who pretends to be Catholic. It’s called being a crypto-Jew.

Now we know the real reason why Schumer and Pelosi oppose building a wall along the Mexican border. In case Israel loses its many wars in the Middle East, Israeli Jews will need to flee to yet another safe haven—the United States. (By then, all of Europe will be a warzone, too.)

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