Opinion of Israelis on the war. "Marching into the darkness to fight monsters" and winning

I've written a number of posts that express my opinion on the Gaza war and some might think my positions are extreme or do not represent the view of many Israelis.

This is not the case.
My views, including that no aid should be provided to Gaza during wartime, and that there are no real civilians in Gaza are completely mainstream in Israeli society. These views are based on the absolute facts on the ground as experienced by hundreds of thousands of reservists from all parts of Israeli society.

Israel is unified like never before.

If you want to understand what most Israelis now think check this article regarding a survey of Israeli opinion in the left-leaning Globes business newspaper website.


Key take outs:

  • 82% want the IDF to conquer Rafah despite US opposition
  • 81% think the IDF does enough or too much to protect Gazan "civilians" - 19% say the IDF is doing too much because there are no real civilians in Gaza. This is my position.
  • 66% think the Israel should not allow aid into Gaza until hostages are released, of which 22% say no aid during wartime (again this is my position).
  • Only 21% think Israel should take President Biden's views into account.
  • 81% want the war to continue.

If you want to understand the reality of Gaza and the perspective of the vast majority of Israelis on the Gaza War then watch this interview:

Hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizen soldiers like Naftali Hazony are "marching into the darkness to fight monsters" and winning.

Israelis are unified, absolutely capable of and utterly determined to wipe out the evil ideology that led to Oct 7 and change the Middle East and the world (by force where necessary) to achieve this.

We are no longer prepared to sit defensively and live with terrorism.

We are going on the offensive, not just tactically in Gaza, but strategically over the long term.

The level of commitment, skill of our soldiers, the capabilities of our military and the support and unity of the society for the justice of this war against the most evil of enemies is at a level never before seen in human history.

Nothing, including weak kneed backtracking, interference and virtue signalling by supposed allies like Canada, Australia, the Biden Administration or much of the EU, is going to stop Israel defeating Evil Incarnate.

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