Debunking some delusions about Israel and Gaza

There are a lot of delusions going around in western circles about Israel in general and the Gaza conflict in particular.

I am setting out some basic facts to help Hiveans understand the situation from the Israeli perspective.

Jews are the indigenous inhabitants of The Land of Israel

[Image of the Arch of Titus in Rome recording the Roman victory over the Jews and the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 CE (from].

Jews have inhabited The Land of Israel for over 3500 years and are the only people to have had national sovereignty in this land, which has been controlled for most of recorded history by far away and long gone Empires (Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Caliphate, Crusader, Marmaluke, Ottoman, British etc).

The modern Jewish State, with its capital in Jerusalem, is the successor to the original Jewish Kingdom of Kings David, Solomon and their successors, including Jewish kingdoms established by the returnees from Babylon after the destruction of the First Temple, the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms and the short lived Jewish state of 66-70 CE which was destroyed by the Roman General (and later Emperor Titus).

There is irrefutable evidence of this from every ancient historian from Tacitus to Josephus to The Bible itself and also in masses of archeological evidence.

Arab "palestinians" are the invading occupier of Jewish land

Decendants of Arabs immigrants who moved to The Land in the late 19th and early 20th centuries following the economic prosperity created by Jews have no more rights to The Land than Turkish workers have to Germany.

The very word "Palestine" has anti-semitic roots as it was the name adopted by the Romans for the province to punish The Jews after their failed rebellion from 66-70 CE. Before the rebellion the name of the province was Judea - you will see this term used extensively in the Christian Bible (which pre-dates the Jewish Rebellion).

Arab peoples (ie from the Arabian peninsula) that now call themselves "palestinians" are the invader. Hamas has genocide against Jews as its number one objective in its founding Charter.

Those Muslim Arab invaders committed an act of genocide against Jews on Oct 7.
It was the worst single day atrocity against Jews in the 3500 year history of the Jewish People. Many days of The Holocaust were worse, but apart from that, it is the worst.

It will be remembered by Jews for millennia to come. It will never be forgiven or forgotten and all those who have supported Hamas will suffer secular or divine consequences (or both).

But unlike in The Holocaust, Jews can defend themselves and are fighting back and are eliminating the Arab invaders (Hamas and their supporters).

It is entirely possible to completely eliminate a terrorist group.

Sri Lanka completely eliminated the Tamil Tigers and there are many other examples.

Israel is successfully killing or capturing every single Hamas member and their supporters. It has already substantially cleared North Gaza, including Gaza city, and is making good progress with low casualties in Central and Southern Gaza.

It is a big job, but it is progressing well. The IDF is 10x faster and suffering 10x less IDF casualties than comparable (but much smaller scale) US and Russian modern urban combat experiences.

It is not Bibi's war.

95%+ of Israeli people support continuing the war until Hamas is completely eliminated.

Any new Israeli leader will continue the war and indeed most want to eliminate Hezbollah as well. Many in the war cabinet wanted to invade Lebanon at the same time as Gaza, but Bibi (correctly in my view) wanted to defeat Hamas first and then go after Hizbollah.

Neither the US, nor anyone else can stop Israel from destroying Hamas.

Israel is a sovereign state whose people are united in the goal of destroying Hamas.
Israel is substantially self-sufficient in weapons production, energy, food and many other things. It does not need US support.

Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world and more combat troops than the US. It is perfectly capable of destroying Hamas, Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies without US assistance.

"Big Brother Joe" is not in control of anything, not even his own mind or continence!
He has 10 months left before Trump is re-elected and Israel will continue to politely run the clock on his Presidency.

The Two State Delusion is finished

Very few Israelis still believe in the two state delusion. I have never believed in it.

Every Israeli concession to terrorist groups (including Fatah/PLO) and withdrawal from territory has been considered weakness by our genocidal enemies and has brought more genocidal terrorism. Israelis are increasingly of the opinion that the Oslo Accords, the withdrawal from Lebanon and the expulsion of Jews from Gaza were all huge mistakes that must be reversed and not repeated.

Our enemies have no regard for human life, including their own. The only thing they value is land and killing Jews.

The best way to achieve peace is for Israel to conquer, annex and establish Jewish homes on land in response to every attack. This is the only deterrence possible.

There are few innocents or civilians in Gaza.

Given the massive support for Hamas from the Gazan population, the participation of "civilians" in the Oct 7 massacres, the handing over of escaped hostages to Hamas, the teaching of hatred of Jews, terrorism and weapons training to children as young as 5 and many other examples it is far from clear that there are any "innocent people" or true "civilians" in Gaza.

Hamas is responsible for all war related deaths in Gaza

Hamas is responsible for all war related deaths in Gaza as it uses the population as shields and has turned almost every building in Gaza into a military target by placing weapons inside, conducting combat operations from within and building military tunnels underneath.

The destruction of Gaza is a direct consequence of Hamas tactics

The complete destruction of Gaza, rendering it uninhabitable, is the direct result of Hamas's military tactics. Gaza's high population density was based on modern, high rise urban living towers that stacked many people on top of one another and all the modern infrastructure (water, electricity, sewage etc) that allows this. This is all destroyed due to Hamas tactics of fighting from civilian buildings wearing civilian clothes, using the Gazan populations as shields and building a gigantic underground military base beneath almost all populated parts of Gaza.

Arab refugees in Gaza must be resettled elsewhere

Gaza's carrying capacity has been destroyed by Hamas's military tactics. The vast majority of Gaza's inhabitants (Arabs) are officially refugees. They have no historical or cultural connection to Gaza and now they have genuinely become refugees again.

The Gaza Strip itself is just where the Egyptian Army was stopped by the IDF in 1949 - it has never been separate from the rest of The Land of Israel historically.

There is no-where for these Arab refugees to live in Gaza anymore and thus these refugees will have to be re-settled elsewhere.

There will be no rebuilding of Gaza while they remain, as Israelis will not allow them to remain nearby, ready to conduct more acts of genocide against Jews.

Most of these refugees will be happy to be resettled elsewhere and will go willingly.
Wherever they go they will have a better life than they now face if they remain and be less likely to engage in genocidal violence against Jews.
The only thing currently keeping them there is Egypt's unwillingness to let their fellow Arabs into Egypt.

But there are many other options of resettling these Gazan Arab refugees elsewhere, with or without international cooperation.
In particular, Israel has options that it can implement unilaterally, without needing any other country's agreement and without the ability of any other country to stop it.

These include temporarily conquering territory of an Arab state still at war with Israel (eg Syria, Lebanon, Yemen) transporting the Gazan Arab refugees to this territory and setting up humanitarian facilities and then withdrawing IDF forces.
This is a militarily achievable and logistically feasible operation that could be completed in a matter of months or even weeks (for Syria).

Many major wars end with population transfers and they provide a durable solution to otherwise intractable conflicts. See eg India - Pakistan, North & South Cyprus, expulsion of Germans after WWII, expulsion of Armenian community in Nagoro Karabakh in September 2023.

These are the facts on the ground, free of western delusions.

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