Manna from Heaven - Story

Image: PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay

When I upvoted the first person that day, I had to stare, rub my eyes, and try to understand. When your vote is worth .21 sbd, and it's suddenly over 2 sbd, you know something changed.

So I rushed to my wallet. Of course I did. And there it was. A 10,000 SP delegation from @godabove. Except... there is no @godabove account. That could not be. That was utterly and completely impossible. But there it was. I was made a dolphin on Steem, out of the blue, from parties unknown. From parties impossible, in fact.

Was it some sort of mistake? A prank? Someone having fun? Did @ned decide to literally play god all of a sudden? Who else could give a delegation from an account that doesn’t exist. I didn’t know. I couldn’t know.

I didn’t try and find out. I just upvoted. Knowing this meagre power, come suddenly and mysteriously, could disappear at any moment, I upvoted. I upvoted my friends. I upvoted posts that looked good. I upvoted posts that were good. I watched my voting power go down, and I didn’t care. This couldn’t last.

The next morning, It was still there. And in my wallet there was a memo. A memo from @godabove - which still didn’t exist! – saying “good start.”

I had known this idea of “get a like, make money,” was kinda magical. Turns out, I had no idea just how magical it was. I could tell you that my life on Steemit changed forever that day. But to be honest? 10,000 SP is nice, but it’s not life changing. And I’d always known someone was watching me. I did have followers, after all. If that someone was some sort of mystical entity… well, that’s cool and all. But I am not who I am for fear or love of some divine being. I like people. And when they deserve upvotes, they get them. It's just that now, they're worth a little bit more.

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