The new Muslim country is the Bangasamoro

Bangsamoro, known as East Asia's Palestine, is being added to the world map as a separate Muslim state. It is a region comprising the Mindanao region.

It is learned that in January January, Bangamoro will emerge as an autonomous Muslim state in the world map. This is a notorious and oppressed Muslim population.

The population of Bangsamro is 2.5 million. Of these, 92 percent were Muslim.

For hundreds of years of oppressed people, this township has a history of lengthy struggle. After the Spanish and the British, the Bangasamoro Muslims have been struggling for almost 50 years for their right to the Philippines. Millions of Muslims were killed in this.

Muslim majority area of ​​the Philippines of Bungamaro, Philippines. And that's why the Philippine authorities did not look at it. For this reason the area is still backward.

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