What is ISLAM ? part 2

So every body is confused about islam, some may not even heard of it before, while some know it as a terrorrist group, seriously? no offense there ,its completely natural to feel hate for islam as it is picturised as terrorrism by media ,

People who has muslim friends or have seen a muslim man in his life will know that islam is not terrorrism, butt others who have not exposed to any single muslim will believe media as that's the only source for knowing what is islam

Guys and girls,ISLAM is not a religion, its not a community, Islam means to surrender to god. Like that previous post, suicide is said to be a bad deed in every religion, even in islam also,why?

well your scholar have an answer for that ,a bit confusing answer, while is islam every questions have simple answers,that a man with some common sense can sort off. I mean will the creator confuse his creation with complex answers . NO
creator knows each man and woman, everyone is unique. Every body has basic commen sense ,WHAT IF GOD CREATED A HOLY BOOK ,THAT EVEN EINSTEIN FIND IT DIFFICULT. Thats why GOD made everything easy and simple for us , and gave us conscious brains that we can find him

LIFE IS A TEST,JUST like you are exam hall, Now the pen is your body, and the ink is your actions .

Now what if the guy who breaks his own PEN. will he win the exam, NO
and what if he breaks another persons pen, Still he doesn't win. JUST like that the same logic applies to islam also


I mean why would the creator want us dead anyway, if he wanted us dead then why would he created us in the first place.
ISLAM IS PERFECT, you know what happens to a book given to idiot people, they made up their own rules and things that are nothing to do with the original islam or holy book.


YES ,ITS PURE IN THIS 21ST CENTURY ALSO .Oldest quran was found from 6th century and the quran printed right now ,still contains the exact words without ant add ons. ITS perfectly intact .

islam has sects SHIA,SUNNI, etc but how did islam split in to groups
the answer is simple
GOD said that humans always make mistakes ,every man makes mistakes.
and quran is not written by human.

HADEES the recorded words of prophet muhammed (s) is written by humans

EVERY SECTS of islam believes quran and allah but the division occurred from hadees
different sects believe in different hadees.

Now you see why the sects.Some PEOPLE ARE the reason for for all of this

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