direction_confusion.jpgThere is always a conflict between believers among religions about which religion is right. Even that some non believers when surrounded by evidences that this great universe from its smallest parts which contains the same components to its mass space galaxies that's ruled by the same laws, and every thing that collects them together, and intellegence which can not be a result of chaos the run to the question
"then which religion is true there is too many reliogions and every one allege that his religion is the only right and the others are false?"
and this may be a tough questions if the one who's supposed to answer is ignorant about his religion or follow a false religion.
So there is too many religions "WHA MAKES ISLAM THE ONLY TRUE RELIGION"

  • This universe and it's complicates can't be made by several Gods it has to be one god has all the power because it's all governed by the same laws works the same way so it has to be a one God creation.
    this God has to send a message to lead his creatures and contradicted religions just ine of them got to be true.
  • God is the creator of every thing granter of every thing so he is the one that must be worshiped and no one else has to be worshiped [ so all religions that orders its followers to worship an intermediate between human and God is false religios].
  • Can God be the creator and a creation? obviously no.
    so all Paganist religions is false because they worship a statue or a creatures they know it has been created, IF they say they use it as an intermidiate and the God is the creator and ruler of every thing so they have to go to first question.
  • Can religion be human invetion and still be true? obviously not.[so every religion that comes from earth and not from heaven is to be false].
  • so now we have three religions [ Islam - christianity - judaism ].
    Judaism religion that alleged to be for a spscific kind of a people [chosen people of God] sons of israel so they don't give a chance to one not of that kind.
    Christianity and Islam if we look at them which one has a clear conception about God and a complete noncontradicted system for live and for human kind it will be for sure Islam
    just clearity of thoughts about God outweighs Islam
    some people may talk about violence I say that violence is a human act and controlling and shrinking it is something that doesn't exist but in Islam just three athiest leaders mao, stalin, and hitler has killed over 120 million people. christians in both WW1 & WW2 has killed over 65 million
    even modern SO CALLED "civilization" has killed in wars like iraq more than a million every year america bombs over 10 muslim countries with more than 50,000 bomb a Year.
    Muslims didn't kill in all there history numbers that is killed every 5 years now in modern civilization.
    so let aside global propaganda focusing on muslims actions and think about right and wrong.
    we all goning to die some day and excuses will not be an easy thing.
    thank you for reading and if you think that this is an article that worth readind please
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