With The Prophet (SAW) Who Laughs and Smiles

When we read the Seerah (life history) of the Prophet (SAW) we will find many occasions when the Prophet (SAW) laughs and smiles. One of the Companions, Abdullah ibn al-Harith said, "I have not seen a person who smiles more than Rasulullah (SAW)". He also said, "The laughter of Rasulullah (SAW) is but his smile". [Narrated by At-Tirmizi]

The Prophet (SAW) said this about himself. "Verily I joke and I do not say except what is true". [Narrated by At-Tabrani]. This means that although the Prophet (SAW) jokes and says things in jest he never ever lies and always conveys the truth. This is clearly indicated in the following incident.

An old lady came to the Prophet (SAW) and said, "O Rasulullah (SAW), invoke Allah (SWT) that He (SWT) admits me into Paradise". The Prophet (SAW) said to her in jest, "O Mother of so-and-so, verily the Paradise, an old lady does not enter it." The old lady turned away crying. Then the Prophet (SAW) said, "Inform her that she does not enter Paradise while she is old. Verily Allah (SWT) has said:

"Verily We have created (their companions) of special creation (35) And made them virgin-pure (36) Beloved and equal in age (37) For the companions of the Right Hand (38)." {Al-Waqiah, 56:35-38}

The scholar An-Nakha'i (who was from the generation that lived with the Companions of the Prophet (SAW)) was asked, "Did the Companions of Rasulullah (SAW) use to laugh ?". He said, "Yes and the Iman (faith) in their hearts was more firm than the Mount Al-Rawasi (a mountain)".

Bikr ibn Abdullah said, "The companions of the Prophet (SAW) used to play with watermelons although in truth they were real men."

Thus these were the Companions. During times of worship, they were in full concentration and humility. When obedience is required from them, they will commit to obey seeking the pleasure of Allah (SWT) while cutting their ties with this world. However, in their normal lives they were people who were happy and smiling. This is how the Muslim should always be, obeying Allah (SWT) earnestly while not forgetting to smile to life.

Islam strongly encourages us to draw a smile from the face of others. The Prophet (SAW) said, "The best of deeds to Allah (SWT) is the happiness that it brings to a Muslim." [Narrated by At-Tabrani]

Adapted (with some commentaries) from the Chapter (Smile to Life) in the series on What Life Has Taught Me by Dr. Tareq Al-Suwaidan.

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