Companionship in the Hereafter - The Ultimate Request

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) once visited an Arab (villager). He received him very well and respected Prophet Muhammad (SAW) very much. The Prophet (SAW) was very happy and said to him, O Arab ask what you want! He said, Messenger of Allah, a she-camel with her saddle and a few sheep whose milk would satisfy my family members. He made this request twice. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, Was it not possible for you to ask me as the old woman of the Bani Israel asked Musa?

The Companions (RA) asked him, O Messenger of Allah! What is the story of the old woman of the Bani Israel? He said to them, Musa (AS) decided to emigrate with the Bani Israel but he got lost on the way. So, their scholars said to him, We tell you that Yusuf (AS) had got our ancestors to promise that we would not go away from Egypt unless we took his bones with us. Perhaps, we are lost because we have not fulfilled the promise. Musa (AS) asked them who among them could point out his grave.

They said that none apart from an old woman of the Bani Israel could point out the grave. Musa (AS) sent a messenger to fetch her and requested her to guide them to the grave of Yusuf (AS). She said, "No, by Allah, no! I will never do that unless (you promise me that) I will live with you in Paradise". Musa (AS) did not like what she said. However, he was told in a revelation that he should promise her what she wanted and he accepted her demand.

The old woman took them to a small pond and said to them, "Take out this water!" When the water was pumped out, she said, "Dig here!" When they had dug out the earth, they found the bones of Yusuf (AS) inside. Then they continued their exile with the bones of Yusuf with them. The path was clear to them shining like day-light. [Reported by Hakim in Mustadrak. Similar narration in Tabarani's Awsat and Ibn Hibban]

There are some lessons to be drawn from the story in this Hadith.

  1. We learn that one should be clear of one's true ambition and ask for it when given the golden opportunity. For the believer, there cannot be a higher ambition than Paradise. The most noble ambition is companionship with the Prophets in Paradise. The old woman was aware of this noble ambition and objective of life and that she should not lose any opportunity to increase her chances of realizing it. She thus jumped on the opportunity to get from Musa (AS) what she most cherished: Paradise and the companionship of her Prophet.
  2. We may not get the chance to ask from our Prophet like the Arab had or like the old lady from Bani Israel. But at times we may get intimate with our Creator during the hours that He promised to answer all supplications, like when we are in Arafah on the day of Wuquf. During those moments we should ask for greater things rather than petty worldly things from Allah (SWT). This is what the Prophet (SAW) meant when he said to the simple villager, "Was it not possible for you to ask me as the old woman of the Bani Israel asked Musa"

And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, these are with those upon whom Allah has bestowed favors from among the prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the good, and a goodly company are they! [Al-Quran, 4:69]

With all the promises in Paradise, which is the most valuable? Perhaps this story can give a hint; companionship with the best of peoples and, even more valuable, the following verse,
وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ نَاضِرَةٌ
[75:22] (Some) faces on that day shall be bright,
إِلَىٰ رَبِّهَا نَاظِرَةٌ
[75:23] Looking to their Lord.

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