Our Prophet (SAW) Seeks Refuge From Factors That Can Take Away Happiness

In the following Hadith Prophet Muhammad (SAW) summarizes the factors of happiness and misery in this world. He (SAW) regularly seeks refuge from Allah (SWT) so that these factors will not affect him and deny him happiness and bliss.

In another narration from Anas Ibn Malik (RA) who said "I used to be a servant to the messenger of Allah SAW. I used to frequently hear him (SAW) say: 'O Allah! Verily I seek refuge by You from worry and sadness, feeling weak and being lazy, miserliness and cowardice, over burdence of debt and dominated by men.' " [This Hadith is narrated by Al-Bukhari]

What is the difference between worry and sadness? Sadness is felt for a matter that has happened in the past and it has ended. Worry (or concern/anxiety) is related to future matters. The one who is pained in the heart by an event that has actually happened has a reason to be sad, but he should not be overcome by the sadness. There is a provision for natural sadness but he should allow it to pass quickly, accept the fact and attempt to move on. The Prophet (SAW) demonstrated sadness on the loss of loved ones like his sole wife for twenty-five years Khadijah (RA), his uncle Hamzah and his son Ibrahim, but the sadness did not consume him (SAW).

When one is worried or concerned about the future he will be unduly preoccupied with negative thoughts. It is allowed to anticipate negative happenings in the future but one should not be burdened with worry. One should try to mitigate the events from happening and earnestly seek help from Allah (SWT).

What is the difference between feeling weak and being lazy? Feeling weak is when someone lacks the will or desire to do something due to factors beyond one's control like being sick or due to old age. Laziness is not having the desire or motivation to do something out of one's own choice. Feeling weak and laziness are two major causes of defeat in most cases and also the cause or reason of failure in life.

Cowardice is lack of courage. Miserliness is lack of generosity and hospitality. Together both these factors lead to greed and preference for the worldly life. Cowardice prevents us from sacrificing and giving everything to achieve our ambitions out of fear of failure or death. Miserliness prevents us from Infaq (giving) out of fear of poverty. Both are causes of misery in life. As such Allah (SWT) takes it upon His sole discretion in determining death and sustenance.

What a paradox for the miserly? He lives in this world like the poor but he will be accounted for in the Hereafter like the rich.

Over-burdence of debt means that one takes on debt to such an extent that one is incapable to repay the debt. Being over burdened with debt makes us worry at night and feel humiliated during the day when people claim against our debt. Clearly when one is over burdened with debt there is no more happiness.

Dominated by men is when one is subject to the intensity of control and power by others upon oneself like if one is tortured by an unjust ruler or wicked leader.

These two factors of being overburdened by debt and coerced by others destroys happiness since it takes away our sense of control over the affairs of life and makes us feel really humiliated.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has taught us these factors of happiness and misery through this short and simple dua'. Let us try to make it a habit to recite this prophetic dua' daily in our lives. Reciting it daily is a sincere reflection of our reliance on His (SWT) power and help to grant us happiness in this life.

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