RE: RE: Is Facebook 'Championing' Blasphemy Laws Across Europe?
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RE: Is Facebook 'Championing' Blasphemy Laws Across Europe?

RE: Is Facebook 'Championing' Blasphemy Laws Across Europe?

Aw, Phuzz, come on. Lets try again - this is not okay.

Once again, very slowly. I'm not saying that the aggression has been launched by any Muslims. That was done by the West, a West itself dominated by US Elites mostly, that both wants to dominate the global world and shatter its own society into more subservient fragments - after all we need to be a world-wide herd of dumb consumers.

Are you now telling me it's not young Somali men accosting Finnish women in the streets, it's Finnish women trying to rape THEM ? It's German Nazis, an extinct species, who else, driving trucks into Muslim Christmas markets, killing the poor dears' children ? And no it's not in Somalia, where Finnish troops were known to enslave and colonize people for centuries, evil white people that the Finns are - isn't this actually happening in Finland ? Nah can't be...

But, just so. I must have misunderstood these things, I'm only living here after all... of course, one who lives in Jordan knows best what's happening in Europe. I do know what the Yankss did to Iraq, I know what their Saudis are doing to Yemen (though that's more the Sunni-Shia power play of course), I have been knowing in detail about Syria every day for five years. It was agony, and none of the zombies here understood a word of it. Neither did the Yanks. The Elites are not the people, just as Muslim extremists are not THE MUSLIMS.

You're being instrumentalized to be our enemies - if you want to be part of that, it's what you will be - discussing this may therefore well be moot as humans are emotional herd animals, Muslims on the whole ghost-believers and Westerners on the whole blind, satiated TV-consumers without any beliefs at all and with little if any more knowledge. What's worse ? So be it, we shall be enemies then, as there obviously cannot be rationality between us, or only on a pretentious, "peace be with you" level ?

Ae you not able to discern my stance on Syria ? I have been fighting western media on the Web since 2012 - they censored me even then, banning me from forums for speaking the truth - I had never believed their tall tales about a humanitarian fight against evil dictatorships, but also started out believing it was about gas and oil - but that is way too simple. You have to appreciate the international political connections and the overall globalist goals, as they are complicated and call for longer study to understand the intricacies, and the patient evaluation of alternative news sources over many years. If you read my text above without prejudice or butthurt you will find that I am talking about western governments importing a special sort of people, but then my didactic abilities are obviously insufficient, so I'll try to be more drastic :

It was obviously the US who revived Muslim fundamentalism when they fought the Soviets in Afghanistan, and Saudis like the Bin Ladens were good friends with the Bushes. Follows nine-eleven, with laughing Mossad agents watching the fiasco from across the river in New Jersey, documented fact, then follows the destruction of all the secular Muslim countries which marks the beginning of "hate." Hate is the key if you want to manipulate people into fighting the good fight for your interests...
Do you understand what a "Pearl Harbor Event" is, what its goal are ? To create the psychological preambles for the launch of a long-planned scheme that will change the walk of the 21ste century, world-wide, and take out obstacles, like individualist populations who might want independence from globalists plans, and what we used to call "freedom."
Saddam and Gadafi didn't like the Petrodollar, and neither central banks, and both these things are essential for the US Elites to remain a global power. They never liked European tries to breeak USdominance after WW2.. so let's deal with that while we take the Near East apart, while we're at it... as Hillary liked to say, we came, we saw, they all somehow died.
Secular Arab states are the devil for the Saudis, as the Saudis' power is religious, and the US like the new, fundamentalist Muslims they helped the Saudis create and arm. They fight cheaply and bravely, because they have a ticket to paradise, and they can be disowned at will (aren't we fighting the War on Terror ? Didn't we fucking INVENT it ?). So they use them well, in Raqqa as well as in Paris, to destabilize the West itself (I wont go much into the reasons for this, too complex here), and hopefully later Russia and China.

So they batter the seculars out of the way, calling them dictators, matter of definition, and like the sheeple they are, radical Muslims follow their lead in the ridiculous belief that they're doing the Lord's work. McCain personally talks the later "Caliph" of ISIS into organizing the Libyan "resistance," ISIS and AlQaeda are actively being helped by Israel against the Syrian people... while all the while, the idiot western public is being concentratedly and successfully being lied to, about what evil fuckers these secular Arabs are, and they eat the fake news up. Watching this for years has been a very disillusioning experience for me. Next stage, they use the refugee crisis in Syria as an excuse to flood African storm troops into the EU.
Not your average Muslim family, we had those forever. I remember all the Moroccans streaming down through Spain every summer fr where they lived and worked in Europe, they were friendly, gentle, polite folks and we never, ever had the remotest problem with them, nor they with us. The highway rest stations were full of them with their praying carpets at might... I found it romantic and took care not to disturb them. Ah, those were the days.

So the hate starts growing after much careful initiation, select Muslim psychopaths (mostly Africans, some Afghanis, some with actual ISIS connections) in Europe start killing off people with trucks and bombs and Kalashnikovs, and the media are hush-hush about it while George Soros actively spends millions to invite more crazies, all young, rootless mean, often criminals, from the wider Muslim belt to come to Europe, get free housing, a monthly salary and all the women they like - and they come in their millions. There are no women or children with them. These are the people we are talking about, not some poor Syrian kids. Do you understand this ? We are talking about psychopaths, and that the crime rate in Morocco has been significantly sinking since a few years, while that in France and the Netherlands has been rising by hundreds of per cents - guess why. Because that is what western governments want, and it is what the Saudis want. Its likely NOT what any Arab government except the Saudi one wants. I'm not saying that it is what nest to anybody else in the Muslim world wants.

I have friends in Algeria and Syria, and they beg me to not blame all Muslims, and I try not to, but what I am fighting is cognitive dissonance in Europe. People like to have it simple, to have enemies - intelligence levels are abominable, and our media are actively lying about the real reasons - while they are actively islamizing Europe. I have no idea if you think that is a good idea, after all you are on the Muslim team, and the goal of team Muslim must of course be to islamize the entire planet, mustn't it ? The Elites love the idea, as Islam serves as a great simplifier. People who believe in the afterlife will be less adamant on having freedoms in the irrelevant lif on earth, and all that. Let's be honest : Islam is a self-contained philosophical sphere and has been keeping the Muslim world on a certain level of development for many centuries. There have been attempts of breaking out of this and they worked to a degree, but on the whole Islam is a conservative system, just that - which is exactly what the Elites want. But this is getting too wide-spread and confusing for steemit.
So back to the roots. I'm neither looking forward to flaming the entire populations of Iraq or Egypt or Jordan, and especially not Syria, but neither am I looking forward to wearing the veil and being forced to "disbelieve" evolution - however this is exactly the plan, and it's just hard to make our own sheeple aware of it without coming over as anti-Muslim. This is the diabolical side of it, everyday Islam is factually destructive to progressive thinking, and so we have to make people dislike Islam to keep it from spreading here, and that without discriminating Muslim. A complicated job that cannot always work out perfectly - so sad, but in doubt know this : I will not convert to Islam and wear the veil and never utter an intelligent thought again just to look more peaceful and appease the hurt feelings of some guy in Jordan who tends to see things through is very special looking-glass.
Once again, if you are telling me that Muslims in Europe are being terrorized by Europeans, not the other way around, then you may not be indoctrinated, but you're reacting like an emotional primate. A friend of mine has been stabbed and I myself have been repeatedly been molested by some maghrebinian youngsters - they're all over, and our governments are keeping to actively import them, all young, aggressive males WHO HAVE BEEN INVITED. What should I do, wear a veil or just stay away from what used to be a life ? Huh ? What should I do, knowing that they are not my enemies, that my government is my enemy ? They are still trying to fuck me.
So I'm not talking about families here at all, not about drownes kisd on a Turkish beach - we had Muslim families in Europe for many decades, never a frown. This is new, this is different. They are destroying our world, using these people as a wedge. "They" are not Muslims, select muslims are "their" instrument, with a tendency of most Muslims now actively being on their side, acting like the emotional mass that they are, seeing Islam as a victim culture. The Crusaders are at fault, they owe it to us ! It isn't so, it has never been.
Mood is now getting more aggressive as the scheme is working, because humans are just not intelligent enough to even understand what's going on. In my counrty, people are still welcoming these "refugees" with open arms and brain-washed benevolence. There is no aggresison in Europeans on the whole, and they will be flooded and killed because of their tolerance, this is why I have to agitate and sometimes simplify. Don't mistake me for an islamophobe, I despise all religions equally.

I've been personally knowing a few highly intelligent Muslim guys (business) and found them too be the most discreet atheist you can imagine... very likable, but then, intelligent people mostly are.
May I once again remind you that the article was about Facebook censorizing anything non-pro-Muslim on the Web ? Like, spreading posts about rapes by Muslim gangs in Sweden, actual everyday facts, or that a crazy Islamists stabs two girls to death at a train station in southern France, no-no ! Forbidden ! Because media and governments find that inconvenient, and so it may not be talked about. That's western democracy today - democracy is so 20th century. And that's what it's about, nothing else that would call for butt-hurt.
That the barbarians they import to destroy our civilization and turn it into something else are Muslims, is actually secondary - they might be esquimos if esquimos had the numbers - though it's convenient as Quranic group-think will help the Elites' scheme along. For these reasons, Islam just happens to fit their needs best, and it's working like a charm.

So you are acting like a Facebook enforcer here, thinking you're defending Islam from a Crusader ? I'm not one. And here I was thinking this could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship ;)

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