Enjoy the atmosphere at the Islamic Museum Samudera Pasai in Aceh Utara, Aceh


Samudra Pasai museum is one of the museums created to display a replica of the Samudra Pasai kingdom at that time.


This museum is located in beuringen village, Samudera subdistrict, aceh utara regency.


This is a brief description of the history of the Kingdom Samudra Pasai.

The Kingdom of Samudra Pasai appeared in the 13th century AD when the Kingdom of Srivijaya was destroyed. The Kingdom was founded by Malikussaleh, a rich empire with many inhabitants. The Royal City is called Pasai, now it is located in Beuringen Village, Kec. Geudong Ocean Kab. Aceh Utara Aceh Province. The territory of the Pase Sultanate (Pasai) during its heyday around the 14th century Located in an area flanked by two major rivers on the north coast of Aceh, Namely the river Peusangan and river Jambo Aye, he explained the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai is a river basin that originated deep into the inland highland Gayo Kab. Aceh Tengah.

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