Is God ignoring you when your prayer goes unanswered?

  1. God does not ignore any creation. Our presence in this earth as a Human being is a test for us from God.

  2. God declared in the Quran that He would test us with difficulties and also with good fortunes.

  3. When we face difficulties, our test is whether we stay patient, we persevere and pray to God for His help and blessings to achieve the success.

  4. We may or may not attain our goal. Our prayers may or may not be answered.

  5. How we respond to our failures or successes is also our test. Are we responding with thankfulness or arrogance or disappointment and despair? Or are we responding with patience and contentment, and thank God for whatever results we get as the fruit of our hard work?

  6. It is very easy to miss the point: that is our test!!

  7. We are to strive and also ask God’s blessings in our prayers for success in everything in our life. That is part of our worshipping God.

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