Islam and women

It’s a time when being a father of a daughter was considered a shame. Daughters were killed, buried or burnt alive in their infancy.

A man stood on a pulpit in middle of the city and said, “Fatima (his daughter) is a piece of my heart.”

I know it doesn’t sound big deal in modern times but imagine the time when being a father of a daughter brings you a bad name.

A man is sitting with his companions. A man comes and asks, “Who deserves most of my love and care?”

Man: “Your mother.”

He asks again, “Then?”

Man, “Your mother.”

He again asks, “Then?”

Man, “Your mother.”

He asks for the fourth time, “And then?”

Man, “Your father.”

So, this man asks to care and love mother (a woman) thrice to a father (a man).

Times, when wife was considered property, sex tool or source of breeding for a man’s generation, a man was sitting with his friends. One of his friends asked, “Whom do you love most in this world?”

Man: “Ayesha (his wife).”

Friend, “No. Of men?”

Man: “Ayesha’s father.”

Please, notice, he didn’t say the name of her father. He could but he didn’t. He called his name in reference to his daughter so that he might show to the world that wives have huge importance in life.

You know the man mentioned in all above mentioned incidents are same. And he is the last Prophet of world’s the most patriarchal and misogynistic religion Islam. He was our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

Islam neither hates women nor it is strict on women. All the fuss, present, is created by some misogynistic cultures. Whose men do these brutal things with women in the name of Islam.

According to Islam, if a woman is a mother, her status is so exalted that heaven lies beneath her feet.

If she is a wife, she is half of your faith. You are her cover and she is yours. You have loyalty rights on her and she has on you.

If she is just a random girl and you have physical desires for her. You can’t just build a relationship and dump her after that. You have to seek permission of her father and tie yourself with her in the eternal knot of marriage. And you are obliged to give her a wedding gift (whatever you can afford) as Maher before consummating the marriage.

According to Islam, women in every relationship need to be caressed. It’s your responsibility to love and care for them and fulfilling all of their needs. Besides that, they have property rights, rights to vote and adopting a noble profession whatever they want.

The first mother of Muslims, Hazrat Khadeeja (R.A) was a business woman.

Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) was teacher. Every Muslim Caliph used to come to her to seek her guidance in every other matter.

For those who think women don't have right to pick out their spouse:-
Women have right to pick out their spouse and they can refuse to marry to someone whom their parents picked. If Muslims in India or Pakistan are not giving this right to them it's their choice. Islam has nothing to do with it.

The girl's will is superior to the will of parents, from the hadith: A woman named Khansa Bint Khidam once came to the Prophet and complained: "My father has forced me to marry my cousin in order to raise his own status (in the eyes of the people)." The Prophet told her that she was free to dissolve this marriage and choose whomever she wished to marry. She replied, "I accept my father's choice, but my aim was to let the women know that fathers have no right to interfere in the marriage." (Ahmad, Nasa'i and Ibn Majah)

For those who think that a raped woman need to have four witnesses to prove it

If a woman is raped and she doesn't have four witnesses, she can take a solemn oath and this oath will be considered enough to punish the rapist and medical tests have the same value. Rapist will be punished if medical tests are against him.

Tell me do you consider women this trustworthy that they can't fabricate the story of her rape and can't play victim card? This whole system of witness, oath and medical evidence is to save man and woman from fabricated blames. Where on earth a man is punished just over a blame? Punishment is given everywhere after a proper procedure I guess.

For inheritance I am quoting here a verse from Holy Quraan.

Allah charges you in regard with your children: a son’s share is equal to the share of two daughters; if the [children] are [only] daughters and two or more, their share is two thirds of the legacy, and if there is only one daughter, her share is half [of the legacy]; and each of the parents inherit one-sixth of the legacy if the deceased had children, and if the deceased had no children and the parents are the only heirs, the mother inherits one-third; if the deceased had brothers, the mother inherits one-sixth; [all this is] after executing the will and settling the debts of the deceased. You do not know which of your parents and children benefit you the most. This is Allah’s injunction; surely Allah is All-knowing, All-wise. (Surah Nisa' 4:11)

The difference in the inheritance shares of women and men must not be considered dissociate from other laws and commandments and discussed and judged independently. It is true that, regarding inheritance, Islam has differentiated between men and women. However, this differentiation is due to realistic perception and the financial obligations that men bear. In Islam, men have to bestow Mihr upon their wives. All the expenses of a wife and children must be paid for by men. Thus, men must work diligently to provide all living expenses whereas women are not required to work and pay for such living expenses.

If a woman has wealth, she is not required to spend it for her family; she may save it if she desires. All possessions that she gains through work, Mihr, gifts, inheritance, or any other legitimate method are solely hers and she can amass it all if she wishes. This is in contrast to men, who are legally and canonically required, in addition to bestowing Mihr, to provide all living expenses of their spouses and all other members of the family.

Thus, women are partners in all the possessions of their husbands, including their husband’s inheritances, which are indirectly given to them; while a woman’s inheritance is absolutely and unquestionably hers only. Because of this, Islam intended to assist men by formulating the laws of inheritance in this manner.

With regard to this fact, can one still say that Islam discriminates against women in regard to inheritance?

If you fairly examine the matter, you will affirm that not only have women not been treated in a biased manner, they have been supported.

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