Behind The Scenes of Terrorism!

ISIS Toyotas.jpg

Back when ISIS was conducting western media's extremely well-publicized and televised-friendly head removals with sharp long knives, this while also sporting Bulgarian machine guns and wearing shiny new black-hooded uniforms while carrying large non-Betsy Ross-made ISIS symboled flags, you might have seen a machine-gun mounted Toyota truck or two in the background.

Of course, the unfortunate man wearing the blindfold, about to have his head chopped off, saw none of this. He could only hear the deal.

This is the conversation that man being executed would have heard. It's the kind of conversation that has taken place among neocon/neoliberal military planners and strategists, operating on behalf of the oil and weapons industry profiteers. The ultimate objective? To beef up America's Oligarch Enrichment Project.

How The Deal Got Sealed.

ISIS Terrorist: "Hey, Mr. CIA Man. We need more Toyota trucks if we're gonna take over Syria!"

CIA Man: "Not a problem!" ... (He turns to a Dutch-friendly financier representative standing next to US Senator John McCain) ... "Hey, Dutch!"

Dutch Financier: "Yes, sir."

CIA Man: "Can you make sure our buddies get enough money so they can get what they need to overthrow the Syrian government? I've got word the Saudis wanna expedite building their pipeline through Syria into Europe, and I also understand Dick Cheney's oil company wants to start drilling, soon as possible, for the new oil they just discovered in Syria's Golan Heights. We can't accomplish any of this with that Assad government still in power."

Dutch Financier: "Sure. We can arrange this for you. And we'll do it in a way such that nobody will ever know. We'll help free your black ops money for elsewhere. Do you know about the black market weapons deals now coming out of Bulgaria?"

CIA Man: "We're already on it. All-righty then. Very good. Remember, Dutch, these guys need tens of thousands of Toyota trucks. Make this happen as quickly as possible as we have to arm and equip those trucks and train the drivers!"

Dutch Financier: "Will do right away!"

John McCain: "Thanks guys! This should work well. We'll meet again down the road, at the next Brussels meeting. I hear Tony Blair's gonna deliver a blockbuster keynote! Jacob and Ruppert might even be there."

Dutch Financier: "I heard that also."

ISIS Terrorist: "Thank you, gentlemen."

After the two well-respected dignitaries of high import depart the scene, the CIA man looks to his side at the executioner. He nods his head, half-winks and walks away.

The man in the blindfold then has his head chopped off to a maddening group chant of "Allahu Akbar!" This scene then gets projected onto televisions in living rooms of ordinary Americans who daily are reminded of their frightened and frigid fears of 911 memories.

Dutch, finally, stop funding White Helmets and Free Syrian Police:

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