Will ISIS Keep Naming New Leaders?

Will ISIS keep naming new leaders? Yes, but how far? I think the threshold is at about 30, but most realistic would be about at 7. The US needs about $7M to kill a leader of ISIS. To kill next 7 that is 7x7= $49M. Yes the USA can afford it! Lol.

This brings back the scenario I explain to some of my martial arts students. There is a long line (hundreds in your personal life and millions in the world) of lowlifes breeding like disgusting rodents. If uou a swordsman just stand and execute each one with a single stroke, will you be able to chop the heads off all the lowlifes? You won’t be able to move your arm after 10K. You go and chop off the head of the breeders (or the source)! The results will be more effective! This explanation makes most men (my martial arts students) piss and shit in their pants. Why? They (would-be bringers of justice) are not worthy because they are too weak to make themselves worthy. They rather be smoking weeds, fucking whores, thinking and talking shits (lying), and pretending to be something their whole lives. Words of Honor, living with warrior codes, living with principles, and being tied to anything at all make the lowlifes feel extremely uncomfortable and scared!

Evil can have infinity of lowlifes, but it only takes about five or as little as three men to wipe them all out! I couldn’t find another two so far…

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