Isaac Kappy's Questionable death and all he lived through as a child actor, deaths of Judith Barsi, Heather O'Rourke and the Hollywood Connection

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I recently did a livestream on Isaac Kappy's death. You will find full sources at the bottom including a link to the livestream. This article contains some of the info from it so you can just read along with other information and connectors.

I will tell you something that Is rather telling. When I tried to view his instagram, it has been scrubbed and likely prior to today as I have had this article in rough draft form for a few days now. Those who have seen tweets from various people know there were many posts and photos on his instagram. If you go now even if you follow him, you see and are only able to access One Post. That is Quite telling to me, how about you?

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This first livestream goes over the DPT statement of his death and the crimes that went on in the state Kappy is based and was born in. My 2nd will go over other details from his instagram.

This is fully sourced. Livestream clip if you would like to listen is at the bottom, otherwise I give the pertinent info and sources right here.

I wanted to jot down some information I had recently shared so my notes could be in one place and some events his death reminded me about should be chronicled.

Remember, there are No Coincidences, so there may be correlations between the Pedogate issue which Kappy had been covering for about a year in relation to him being a child actor and seeing a great deal of the abuse. This included exposing Spielberg. That is why I find what is left on his instagram rather telling. . .Spielberg, other Hollywood royalty/elitists with all of their money and connections.

Do you think it is okay Spielberg and other Hollywood elitists are friends with and support their known pedophile buddy Roman Polanski?

If you're not already familiar there is more information here complete with photos,

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See more info on Spielberg in sources below.

I will do a cursory run down he would have been acting during the time he himself along with Judith Barsi and Heather O'Rourke and Drew Barrymore to name a few were child actors in the 80's.

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O'Rourke and Barrymore

According to IMBd

Isaac Kappy was born on February 17, 1977 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. He was an actor and writer, known for Thor (2011), Fanboys (2009) and Terminator Salvation (2009). He died on May 13, 2019 in Bellemont, Arizona, USA.
I believe Both are connected.

He spoke on Spielberg and his abuse of actresses both killed and still in the industry like Heather O'Rourke, Judith Barsi and Drew Barrymore, just to name a few.

I will put some info on Heather as it ties into a blind reveal from CDAN. If you are not familiar with Judith Barsi, I implore to realize that Truth Really IS stranger than fiction and go look her up. Her story is quite eye opening.

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Story in sources

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Let's take a look at Heather O'Rourke

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Heather Michele O'Rourke (December 27, 1975 Let's see how Wikipedia and IMBd frame her death.

This is IMBd's statement and it coincides with what Kappy claimed concerning O'Rourke's death. They were childhood actors at the same time.

She was taken to Kaiser Hospital, and they confirmed it was only the flu, but when symptoms continued, they diagnosed her as having Crohn's Disease, a chronic inflammation of the intestine.

Wikipedia's account,

In February 1988 she died at the age of 12 of cardiac arrest and septic shock caused by a misdiagnosed intestinal stenosis.

Keep in mind Septic Shock is organ image or damage in response to infection. This is feasible according to the abuse story of Heather Kappy had told.

I doubt I need to point out the obvious. She was involved as a very young child in the Poltergeist movies.

Poltergeist is a German word meaning "noisy spirit." It describes many effects such as knocks on walls, objects thrown about by unseen hands, furniture moved, and other occurrences. These manifestations were long thought to be the mischievous pranks of spirits or, more frightening, the malevolent works of demons.

So focusing on the satanic realm. Now consider the fact that allegations were made including a story which coincided with info from Kappy concerning the child molestation of O'Rourke and an ambulance being called.

I remember that, upon hearing of her death in 1988, I had thought her “acute bowel obstruction” to be odd. Now, a “blind reveal” on the Hollywood gossip site, Crazy Days and Nights, sheds light on just what the “acute bowel obstruction” was.

Crazy Days and Nights’ blogger calls himself Ent Lawyer (Ent=Entertainment) who says he’s never been sued. He is described by The Daily Beast as having a track record of accuracy. Investigative journalist Mark Ebner said this about Ent Lawyer:

“In my opinion, that’s what makes him so impressive, is that no one knows who he is, and he’s being proven right again and again. That’s like legendary s***.”

Here is the info from CDAN.

Blind item revealed on January 1, 2018 ( yes, I caught the numbers 11 and a the year's digits also an 11)

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Concerning the Observatory, did you see what they tried to pass it off as from a local affiliate connected to CBS?

Even their wording in the Title is a Dead giveaway and many Tells in the article.

The search warrant states the feds then monitored all the IP addresses and found the exact time child porn was being sent out, which then matched only the janitor.

According to KRQE, the observatory director said that once the janitor realized his computer was no longer there, he started "feverishly started looking through the facility." The director said the janitor also started making comments about "lax security at the facility," said it was "only a matter of time before the facility got hit, and he "believed there was a serial killer in the area" and that killer might enter the facility and execute someone.

So wait a minute, the director is painting a picture of the Janitor being a mental case and a child pervert whose smart enough to Dupe This Director, who shoots himself in the foot with what could be a planted "fall guy" story, by saying the Janitor was claiming security was lax.

No. 1, wouldn't Lax security for the cover story to distract from all involve be For the cyber security and Not physical security?

No. 2 if Any security is Lax, Aren't you the director? . If you saw issues of a laptop opened hither and thither, then wouldn't it be the Director's duty to tighten security? What a crock!

Also the lame excuse of worrying about some psycho serial killer was too obvious. Why weren't they worried it Before? And wasn't all that occurred around the Same timeline?

I also found this rather interesting, means more excavation was going on in 2016.

New Mexico State University in 2016 launched an initiative funded by the foundation to upgrade and update the facility through the newly formed Sunspot Solar Observatory Consortium.

Now that case was in Amalia, NM so almost 7 hours distance or somewhere around 350 miles away from Sunspot as Sunspot is near Alamogordo.

So how are they connected?

Here was the corruption that happened as you likely know,

Judge Jeff McElroy dismissed child-abuse charges against Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and his wife, Jany Laveille. The two face separate charges for the death of Wahhaj's 3-year-old son, Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, whose body was found earlier this month. Laveille, a Haitian national, is also being held on immigration charges.

Judge Emilio Chavez earlier ordered charges to be dropped against three other defendants, Subhannah Wahhaj; her husband, Lucas Morton; and sister Hujrah Wahhaj, and for them to be released from jail in Taos.

Chavez had given state prosecutors a deadline of 2 p.m. MT on Wednesday to refile the charges, a move that would have kept those three defendants behind bars. State prosecutors had not refiled charges by then, according to the court clerk's office.

Would this have happened if they weren't illegals or were white? No, I covered another case there in NM where justice was served for another cult, but they were white. I believe All should be punished for harm to children, not leniency based on color or being the liberal leaders favored. ..the illegals. I worked in NM in their rather defunct school system. They are as Corrupt as they come. They protect the predators Over children. I got out as soon as I could. They also used their gangs to send me warnings for trying to help some of the abused girls. These girls were only 8,9 and 10 years old.

My point is. . .they were all looking for a reason to let these people off and they used another Weak reason. Although it's Exactly what we are seeing with the FBI and DOJ, people in these leadership roles, Not doing their job, Refusing to do their job or all at lying and stating they Can't Recall! Lamest excuse ever. How in the World are they in the positions if they can't recall that many Times? Isn't that part of the job? But I digress.

Same thing happening at the local levels in all of these compromised areas and states. It's Sick because these kids are paying.

Interesting how the one article gave a clear tell on linking child protective services to. . .Absolute Tie In for Sure!

The five defendants were arrested after an August 3 police raid on their makeshift encampment in Amalia, New Mexico, after reports that 11 children were starving there. The children were taken into protective custody.

This poor little 3 year old boy's story was no doubt one of torture and severe abuse. I pray people don't forget and his story. I'll try to do an article some time though my stuff gets buried. That little boys story Should be told. I worked with some of the disabled kids and it's heartbreaking when adults don't treat them in the protective manner God intended, but instead take advantage of them. God sees all though. They think they have gotten away with it. . .Every knee is going to bow on a certain day and they Will be held accountable!

The body of the missing 3-year-old Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj was found three days later in a tunnel at the compound. The severely disabled boy was abducted from Wahhaj's first wife in Georgia and died on December 24, according to the Taos County sheriff's office.

This writer speculated also as to whether there was a connection between the Observatory closing and the compound case.

Last month, WSB-TV reported that a 10-page handwritten document found at the compound in New Mexico revealed “Phases of a Terrorist Attack.”, including talk of confronting and attacking “corrupt” institutions, including Atlanta’s Grady Memorial Hospital.

There are jokes about dying in jihad and the desire to be a martyr. Notes include information about an underground stash of weapons and ammunition. A plan of escape through a tunnel if police arrived was included in the document.

The five suspects, Siraj Wahhaj, Hujrah Wahhaj, Lucas Morton, Jany Leveille, and Subhannah Wahhaj face 11 counts of child abuse. The raid on the compound the 11 children lived in was filthy. The children were dressed in rags, had no shoes and little to eat. People on the scene said the children looked like Holocaust survivors.

The leader of the compound took weapons classes before he moved to New Mexico. The 11 children were taught how to load and fire assault rifles. A letter was found from the compound leader telling his brother to come to New Mexico to become a martyr.

When the tactical team raided the compound, they found children holding boxes of ammo and one teen claimed he was armed.



The press and DNC while working with a seedy lot in San Diego, CA did this with Jim Jones. The kool-aid poisoning occultist, who they tried to pass off as a christian group and he was Anything but! He worshipped himself and enslaved people to his sick ways.

You will find some of his info and direct connections to people like Diane Feinstein along with their heralded pedophile hero Harvey Milk (verified pedophile) which the DNC and people like Obama who dedicated a stamp to him still herald as their hero. So the hero of many of these Dem representatives and who are supposed to be leaders. . .is a Pedophile!

Or see/listen to a report here,

Feinstein, Pelosi connections to murders, a politician statutory rape crime, child prostitution ring

Qanon, Murder of a San Francisco mayor and How Feinstein's career launched, Jim Jones Connection

For those of you who have been studying what many of these politicians have been up to. . .and many are CAREER politicians, along with the True History of what has actually taken place. . .so many events are recounted according to their owned mainstream media's specifications. ..remember history is His story, well you realize Everything connects. It's the story of those who either Live to tell it or Own the means by which to tell it along with whichever way they wish to sway the truth and turn it into half truths or all out lies to benefit themselves.

If it appears truth tellers are always jumping from one story to another, it's because the web of deceit the criminal element in high places has woven and each strand leads to another element of evil. . .yet they all connect Back to the main hub!

There is so much more to the Kappy story. Connections to Tom Hanks or as he likes to call himself. . .Hanx and Route 66. I'm on it and am hoping to do another live stream soon for part 2 of the Kappy story.

It will include tells from his notes and pics on instagram related to Red, Handkerchiefs.

Possibly some old footage with evidence of what people have already spoken out on Hanks and the pedophilia culture of Hollywood.

Here is the first livestream,

Isaac Kappy RIP based in New Mexico, remember the Sunspot Observatory and training camp

Please let me know your thoughts and observations on this topic. Keep praying for these children who continue to be actively preyed upon and keep #FightingTheGoodFight we need everyone at their battle stations with full armor! Godspeed Fine Patriots!


This one speaks about the radical compound and Sunspot Observatory both in New Mexico

The Dark side of Steven Spielberg and Hollywood

Yet more evidence of just another seedy lair

In depth investigation of Judith Barsi here,

Many links going over the whole story then connection. Excellent info.

Top Lawyer Confirms ‘Poltergeist’ Child Actor Killed by Hollywood Pedophile Ring
Heather O’Rourke was murdered by elite entertainment industry pedophilia network

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