I'm quite bad at irl

For the longest time I've kind of neglected irl stuff and usually try to push them towards others to do it for me. Things like paperwork or going to check up on health related things, etc is a real headache for me. Feels like whenever I'm not on the PC doing "hive stuff" it feels like I'm just wasting time.

Now don't get me wrong this isn't only about "earning potential", i.e. what curating unique authors may get me in return down the line or writing out comments and posts may get me extra passive rewards. I have some periods the past couple years where I haven't posted anything and while it's a bit regretful considering I could've used the post rewards it's not something that's the main focus in my mind right now.

I do have a lot on my plate and I don't hate admitting it, there are a list of awesome people who help me out with a lot of things as well which I'm very grateful towards. However whenever irl forces you to deal with it you get taken away from this hive-only world and start to think how much time it actually takes away from you.

Mew has been feeling a bit ill lately and we've had to send him to the vet a couple times the past few weeks. He's now hospitalized fighting off what they believe to be an infection. We went to visit him today and he seemed happy to see us. They said he's doing a bit better and as we got there and brought him his food from home his appetite seemed to be back as he started eating quite a lot which was great to see.

On the way there and back I usually try not to spend too much time on the phone since it easily gets me nauseous and only sitting there looking outside is so boring to me. It reminds me of the few times we may lose electricity or internet and every time I find myself ill-prepared for it from an entertainment aspect. I have nothing new on Netflix downloaded to prepare for it nor are my phone/laptop/pads ever charged for those events.

I do wonder how messed up my attention span/entertainment fix is on my brain at the moment. Not just cause there's always something to do on Hive but the way how time fasts forward when you are active here doing stuff. Makes me want to do a full no technology breaks to see how it'd affect me and if it would reset something in my head. That's not something I can afford to do right now, however, but maybe at some point.

If you do something well, do it all the time? I guess that's a hive-motto that I've been striving towards lately, although not sure how good I am at it either.

It's felt a bit more like someone has to do certain things lately so why not me. I'm well aware that I'm not always the best person for a certain job, take holozing organizing for instance, but right now at the starting roots of the project I can't afford to hire someone else to do it full-time who may be much better at it than myself. It may definitely have caused a lot of delays and a few I'm certain of but at least it's making it possible to fund the more important aspects of it that require funding asap to move forward.

Anyway, just some random ramblings having been afk most of today and coming back trying to enjoy the rest of the weekend watching the CS2 grand final. Even while doing that I feel like "just watching" and enjoying the show I'm doing too little so better get a post out while curating and commenting on snaps and posts. Hope we get to bring Mew back home healthy in a couple days.

Not sure how unique my situation is right now, there may be other hivers out there in a similar situation.

Have a nice rest of the weekend, whoever bothered to read these ramblings. :P

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