travels, stress,life, @23

Since finishing college I have been doing a whole bunch of different things. I work from home managing my own money, part time consulting for small businesses. Trying to figure out what my next big step is. I start a data science and cyber security grad certificate in Harvard this September which I can complete online or on campus.

We help small businesses within ireland grow with my consulting firm(not yet registered lol), as I have noticed while the irish are hard workers very few tend to take risks even risks with limited down side. I recently helped a small landscaping business bid on a government contract to maintain lawns and fields in kildare for 1m euro . If the bid wins my company collects 5-12.5% of the value of contract depending on whats on offer. And why i feel small businesses could benefit from my services is these contracts only tend to attract 2/3 bids overall! Literally no competition.

Since the end of the celtic tiger the irish are very risk averse, even on the public forums the generation hardest hit by the fall in 08 are still bashing the young couples/families asking is now a good time to buy property or where to invest. when it comes to investing you dont ignore the past but you also have to anticipate the future and the older generation are still so risk averse that it is trickling down to the younger ones.

In the mean time I feel like it is time for me to live somewhere else in europe. The more I think about it the more I feel like Switzerland could be my next home. While things are picking up in Ireland, mainly Dublin with housing prices rising regularly its not reflected in general society. Cranes are perpetually on the horizon since brexit. I have bought us as many irish index's as my risk parameters allows for my portfolio along with shares in stable irish companies .

This is all my personal opinion derived from my education as an economist, love for statistics and just observing trends . I leave for switzerland this friday super pumped for it :). It'll help me decide my next steps. my card was stolen so hopefully the bank sends my new card before I leave!

*Ps Also bought more steem and ether today ! I try to top up by 50/100€ on bittrex when I find new 4hr/daily lows./crosses. However .0004 looks likely to be my next area to load up on more.

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