Right On Schedule - Department of State Issues Worldwide Caution

It appears that at the risk of losing momentum due to the Syrian setback of the actors known as "ISIS, al-Qa'ida, their associates, and those inspired by such organizations" the "Bolt-On" NeoCon Cabal has again engineered renewed fear via the latest U.S Department of State's "Worldwide Caution" report: "U.S. citizens are strongly encouraged to maintain a high level of vigilance and practice good situational awareness when traveling abroad." (https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/worldwide-caution.html)

And, in seeming coordination, the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) reportedly cautioned that, "The FBI, DHS, and NCTC remain concerned that upcoming summer celebrations, events, or other large gatherings could be targeted by homegrown violent extremists (HVEs)" due to, "[c]ontinued calls by foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) for attacks on large crowds and civilians, along with examples of successful and disrupted plots of this nature both here and abroad, could inspire similar attacks by HVEs in the Homeland." (emphasis added) (I was unable to personally verify on The Director of National Intelligence's "coffee table book" website) Additionally, Department of Homeland Security's National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin of Wednesday, May 9, 2018 reports, "[F]oreign terrorist organizations exploit the Internet to inspire, enable, or direct individuals already here in the homeland to commit terrorist acts." (https://www.dhs.gov/ntas/advisory/ntas_18_0509_0001)

HVEs alternately equal "homegrown, lone-wolf terrorist," but, who are all these "FTOs?" It turns out that there are many (https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm) and, "In its annual 'Country Reports on Terrorism' released Wednesday, the State Department said Iran remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, and has intensified conflicts and undermined U.S. national security interests in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, while continuing to support attacks against Israel." (emphasis added)(https://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/rpt/280402.htm)

In 2002 the FBI reported, "State sponsors of terrorism make up the third category of international terrorist threat. The primary state sponsors are Iran, Iraq, Sudan, and Libya." (emphasis added) and, "[o]f the seven nations listed by the United States as state sponsors of terrorism, Iran represents the greatest threat to the United States. (emphasis added) As you may note, both Iraq and Libya were "dealt with" and Sudan, "[a]mong the many unexpected shifts in American foreign policy is the recent rapprochement with Sudan" was handled via sanctions and domestic unrest. (https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2018/06/us-letting-sudan-hook/149155/) This leaves only Iran unaddressed.

There seems a paucity of reliable reported information directly tying Iran to any United States domestic terrorism notwithstanding the assertion that Iran is at the forefront of the "international terrorist threat." Rather, John Bolt-On stated in an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation, "I don't think Assad (Syria) is the strategic issue. I think Iran is the strategic issue. It's not just their continuing nuclear weapons program (where's the evidence?) it's their massive support for international terrorism and their conventional forces in the Middle East.” (emphasis added)(https://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2018/07/02/Bolton-on-Syria-I-don-t-think-Assad-is-the-strategic-issue-Iran-is-.html)

Ask yourself whom such an Iranian retrenchment in Syria would actually benefit? The answer would appear to be self-evident: Israel.

Now, what does all this suggest? Does it suggest the possibility that there could be an attack in the United States on certain Jewish/Israeli interests by a "home-grown, lone-wolf" domestic terrorist who just happened to have been influenced by Iran's "massive support for international terrorism"? Does it further suggest that such attack would work as a combined "benefit" by potentially creating a Casus Belli while simultaneously, inducing popular support for joint military actions against Iran, and at the same time, renewing calls for further domestic surveillance and control? All that in one package would be quite the Neocon treasure trove would it not? Almost as good as "dead babies thrown from incubators," yellow cake uranium, falling down buildings, and the anthrax scare.

I suppose the biggest question is if an occurrence of this sort would fall in line with previous events in our recent history? I think we all know the answer to that question. Therefore, assuming such an event to occur, Americans should bear in mind the old adage, "Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice (or repeatedly), shame on me."

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