Ecency notification got me up

Hi dear people!
I was getting prepared for my music class, playing Santour, suddenly I saw the Ecency app's notification telling me people visiting my blog haven't here from me. I just put down the Mezrab to take some photos about my current moment.

Actually it's lunch time, so it's better to just sharing my stories latter.

I should mention that one of my problems is English language. I think I should start translating this book to have a better feeling about my English writing.

For my dear old and valuable friends and follower here I should say that I'm in a 632 days of streak running, and I've lot of stories to say and I have some thing knew, I'm reading Shahnameh, which is a "long epic poem written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi between c. 977 and 1010 CWikipediathe national epic of Greater Iran" according to the Wikipedia
I think Hive can be a good platform to link my friends from Strava app to read my short point of view in here.

If there's some problems with photos don't worry, I'll come and fix them 'till night.

Hope you fun time

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