Test Your Logical Reasoning Skills With This Simple Six Questions.....

  1. At a conference, 12 members shook hands with each other before & after the meeting. How many total number of hand shakes occurred?

A. 100
B. 132
C. 145
D. 144
E. 121

  1. The day after the day after tomorrow is four days before Monday. What day is it today?

    A. Monday
    B. Tuesday
    C. Wednesday
    D. Thursday
    E. Friday

  2. A fisherman has 5 fishes (namely A, B, C,D, E) each having a different weight.

(i)     A weighs twice as much as B.
(ii)   B weighs four and a half times as much as C.
(iii)  C weighs half as much as D.
(iv)  D weighs half as much as E.
(v)   E weighs less than A but more than C.

Which of the following is the lightest?

(i) A
(ii) B
(iv) D
(v) E
  1. In the above problem, E is lighter in weight than which of the following pairs?
(i) B,D
(ii) D,C
(iii) A,D
(iv) B,C
(v) A,B
  1. 6121135 is to flame as 21215120 is to ?

    A. voice
    B. bald
    C. bloat
    D. castle

  2. Forest is to tree as tree is to ?

    A. plant
    B. leaf
    C. branch
    D. mangrove

                 ANSWER with explanations:

Answer of the 1st question is... 132

Explanation: The first person shook hands with 11 remaining people, the second person also shook hands with 11 people, but we count 10, as the hand shake with the first person has already been counted. Then add 9 for the third person, 8 for the fourth one & proceeding in this fashion we get: 11 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 66.
Hence 66 hand shakes took place before & 66 after the meeting, for a total of 132.

Answer of the 2nd question is.. A. Monday

Explanation:Four days before Monday is Thursday, simply because four days after Thursday is Monday. Besides, day after the day after tomorrow is Thursday only if present day is Monday.

Answer of the 3rd question is ... (iii) C

Explanation: On logical interpretation of the given statements one can arrive at the following conclusion: A>B>E>D>C in order of decreasing weight. Hence C is the lightest of all the given fishes.

Answer of the 4th question is ... (v) A,B

Explanation: On logical interpretation of the given statements one can arrive at the following conclusion: A>B>E>D>C in order of decreasing weight. Hence, it can be seen that E is the lighter than A and B.

Answer of the 5th question is ... C. bloat

Explanation: 6,12,1,13,5 each number in the break up signifies the corresponding letter in the alphabet. (viz. 6->f, 12->l...etc.) Similarly 2,12,15,1,20 which signifies bloat.

Answer of the 6th question is ... B. leaf

Explanation: As forest houses several trees, a tree has many leaves. Branches is a close choice but it is incorrect as all tress do not have branches.

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