How did Apple added new features on iPhoneX with merged firms?

According to the report of TechNeedle of South Korea, iPhone X is the result of the original technology of Apple with the technology that have been acquired via M&A. Here we can see, the type of companies that Apple have bought to make this new iPhone X.

  • Face ID

Polar Rose: Acquired on September 2010, From Sweden, USD29 Million
Polar Rose, a superior computer vision tech-based platform, helps users sort, search and share digital photos based on the content.

AuthenTec: Acquired on July 2012, From Florida USA, USD356Million
Providing computer and mobile safety, identity management, biometrics, and touch control solutions.

PrimeSense: Acquired November 2013, From Israel, USD360Million
Offers an interactive device that can see, track and react to user movements outside the computer.

Perceptio: Acquired October 2015, San Francisco USA, Amount Unknown
Focusing on Artificial Intelligence

Emotioent: Acquired January 2016, From San Diego USA, Amount unknown
Uses artificial intelligence to identify how people feel.

Real Face: Acquired on February 2017, From Israel, USD 2Million
Innovating user authentication with the worlds leading face recognition technology

  • Eye tracking technology and OLED Touch Screen

Faceshift: Acquired November 2015, From Switzerland, Amount unknown

Has developed technology to create animated avatars and other figures that capture a person’s facial expressions in real time.

SMI( SensoMotoric Instruments): Acquired June 2016, From Germany, Amount unknown

Has done significant work in eye-tracking research with proprietary eyeglass hardware while also working on consumer-focused applications like eye-tracking for virtual reality.

Luxvue Technology: Acquired May 2014, From Santa Clara USA, Amount unknown
Develops low-power, microLED-based displays for consumer electronics applications.

  • True Depth Camera

Imsense: Acquired July 2010, From United Kingdom, Amount Unknown
A spin-off from the University of East Anglia, has developed a technology known as “eye-fidelity” for producing nearly instantaneous Dynamic Range Correction in both standard and HDR photos using software algorithms to remap image tones in order to recover details lost in underexposed or overexposed regions of photos while maintaining color balance and generating final images as close to that perceived by the eye in reality as possible.

SnappyLabs: Acquired on January 2014, From San Francisco USA, Amount unknown
SnappyCam app, which was capable of capturing full-resolution images at 20 to 30 frames per second

LinX Imaging: Acquired on April 2015, From Israel, USD20Million
Linx imaging brings revolution to mobile photography introducing amazing new features on handsets, tablets and ultra-books.

Regained: Acquired on earlier 2017 and reported on media September, From France, Amount unknown
Focused on using its computer vision API to recognize content within photos

According to the article of TechCrunch, Apple issued the standard confirmation statement to TC when asked about the company purchase.

Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.

In other words, that means that Apple’s M&A can be the prediction of the new feature of iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

Original post is from my personal blog website:

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