IPFS via Tor

There is a good article on how to use IPFS via Tor here:

IPFS link: ipfs/QmYKQvBsbYrRhdaGvQXcEoSam7s5gKVYULfRgNPzN5JM8N/IPFS-via-OnionCat.html

The basics are:


"Configure IPFS to listen for swarm peers only on a Onioncat IPv6 address"


"Run IPFS in a (virtual) machine on an isolated (virtual) network, and access Tor through a gateway (virtual) machine, which does have a public IP address. Even if IPFS were listening for swarm peers on all local addresses, only the OnionCat IPv6 address would be reachable."


I don't quite get how to make IPFS use Onioncat's IP6 exclusively and I don't know how to set up a virtual machine with access to Tor but no clearnet access. I think Whonix can do this but I have no experience with Whonix

So close but still so far.

I hope someone can turn this article into more noob friendly instructions.


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