Iota over 1$ - will it correct or keep rising?


Iota has broken the 1$ mark after an unbroken uptrend for the last week.


Now people get aware of this great coin and want to get their share of the profit.

There is much speculation if it will continue to rise or if it will correct soon.

Short term prognosis

I would bet it rises at least to a market cap of $ in close future.

This means it could still double once more in short future.

But as always it is hard to prodict short time developments. It might correct first and continue it's ride afterwards, but it's also possible that it will not pass down under 1$ anymore.

Long term prognosis

In the longer term it will surely keep growing, maybe even higher than etherium.

Some people predict that it will die if they will not get the technical integration in Internet of Things as they hope, plan and promise.

But I guess even they are wrong, it surely will cost iota some of it's value, but as bitcoin has nothing to offer than a coin and is still amazingly great, the same could happen with Iota.

Iota is the only coin that is infinite scalable and has zero fees at the same time. Therefore it is the only coin that has the potential to take the place of normal currency for a lot of people.

Once this is recognized by the majority it should rise greatly. If any coin is capable of beating bitcoin in market cap, it has to be iota (even though I do not say it will - future will show)

If you do not have iota yet, you might get some and keep it you will most likely be happy afterwards that you did 😉

Where to get?

If you do not from the USA bitfinex is the place to buy iota. If you do not have an account yet, you may use my reflinke in order to get 10% training fee discount for the first month.

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