STEEMIT, IOTA, Decentralization, and the Resource Economy Era: Move Over Industrial Era!

In our short time spent on earth, humankind has gone through vast and increasingly rapid changes. We have measured those changes in many ways, but perhaps one of the most general ways has been in eras. There have currently been three distinguished eras:

  1. Hunter Gatherer
  2. Agricultural
  3. Industrial

Some might be thinking: what about the technological era? That is completely valid to consider. Eras are certainly sparked by technology, but the deterministic factor in beginning a new era, is technology which offers a new model of thinking about how we interact with resources and survive in our environment.

Technology until decentralization did not fundamentally shift our mentalities in this way. Much of technology is still exchanged and utilized under the industrial model.

Industrialization is based on the premise that one can extract natural resources and exchange it for capital. As long as there are natural resources to extract we can continue to create value under this model. This is still the fundamental way we operate.

Up until the industrial era, humans had virtually no impact on the planet as a whole. This has changed drastically. I will leave you to do your own research, but she shortest era of our species is the one that has caused the most damage by an exponential margin. We will have to be very resourceful in our correction to secure a viable long term existence.

That said, we are in one of the most promising transitional periods of our era, and I encourage you to exploit decentralized technology to the fullest. Decentralization allows us to become a resource. It opens avenues to incentivize sustainable behavior.

STEEMIT and IOTA are a two promising examples. We are arriving at a RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY of sorts, where instead of having to extract and consume to create capital, we can measure and monetize anything from having a conversation, to recycling, to planting a garden, to using sustainable energy, and so on. The currency itself becomes a unit used to ensure and measure resource to resource exchanges as opposed to being the unit that resources are exchanged for. The possibilities of decentralized incentives such as this WILL eventually push us into the next era of humankind if we are able to successfully adopt its possible use cases into the mainstream.

As always feel free to shoot me a comment, I would love to start a conversation on this and have this thread start branching out.

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