Ruff - Standarding IoT Technology

Internet of things (IoT) is a term used for describing the act of connecting millions of devices around the world to the internet for collecting and sharing data. With that description, one may be tempted to think of a pc or mobile device as one of such, but the term is actually used for iteams or devices that by default wouldn’t have been expected to have an internet connection. Some example of such IoT devices are smartwatch, fitness band, AC equipped with the necessary sensor to enable its control over the internet with the use of a smart phone or another device. The term IoT is believed to have come to life in the 90s but there are arguably stories of it’s earlier existence in the nineteenth century (1843 to be precise) where some group of scientist know as “men of science” were reported to have been able to receive data from a wet-and-dry-bulb thermometer in the cloud. This thermometer was enclosed in a box weighing around 4 pounds and connected via two fine copper wires covered with silk to the ground. The British Association for the Advancement of science (now known as British Science Association) reported that these “men of scince” received a grant of £250 for this experiment. (source: history of IoT)
However, no matter the years of existence the history of IoT bears, one fact is that it exists and ever since its existence, it has been advancing from one level to another. Lots of devices today exist that are equipped with this technology and work is still in progress to bring more devices into this sector of technology. An example of IoT devices are; smart door locks, smart Bluetooth tracker, smart home retrofit, smart kitchen, smart plugs, smart bike lock and tracker, wireless home energy monitor, smart home vents, smart thermostats, to mention but a few. Despite the huge advancement in this technology, there has been some challenges that has over the years continuously advanced along with it. One of such challenges is that of security. A look back in time will educate us more on this challenge as regards IoT thus I need not make a fuss on that. I would rather point out some other challenges that many may not have known or noticed before now.

Some other challenges facing IoT.

  1. Standardization
  2. Interoperability between IoT devices
  3. Ease of use
  4. Fragmentation
  5. Inconsistent product traceability due to centralized network
  6. Privacy e.t.c.

What is the way out?

It is said that when you have a problem that you unknowingly to you, then indeed you have a problem indeed but when you discover the problem , you are half way to solving it. These problems have been discovered by some group of individuals and they have set out on a mission to provided the required solution through the combination of the IoT technology and the blockchain technology. They have come up with a product called “RuffChain”.
The Ruffchain is a platform designed to improve commerce by combining IoT and blockchain Technology. It incorporate a distributed operating system with an open blockchain, using virtual business networks and a consensus algorithm to realize better offline solutions for information flow and product sourcing needs.
Ruff was founded in 2014 with a goal of replacing original embedded operating system. Since establishment, it has earned awards and recognitions from industry figures. The list includes:
• The First Batch to Join the New Microsoft Accelerator Shanghai
• 2016 Tech Crunch Beijing (Innovation Challenge Champion)
• GiTC (Best Technology Innovator Award)
• 2016 Microsoft Innovation Summit (Best Investment Award)
Not to make this post too length, I would love to bring it to an end here and there are still a lots of things worthy of saying in about this project. But,
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