Ione Skye is on Steemit. Have you fallen asleep?? Did you eat a poisoned apple? I'm worried about you. I am DISGRUNTLED.

I'm sorry to have to say this, but as I mentioned in the title above, I am DISGRUNTLED.

I dare say that I'm even befuddled.

Do you remember how Corey felt when Joe lied?

(Do you remember how Joe lied when he cried?)


Well, that is me right now.

I'm Corey.

Screen Shot 2012-05-14 at 12.06.46 AM.png

@Ioneskye joined Steemit yesterday, even posted in the #introduceyourself area, and something disturbing has happened overnight.


Ione Skye has ONLY 33 FOLLOWERS today.

Hopefully, by the time you read this, it will be MORE than that!

(People tend not to notice me,
but maybe the popularity Gods
will smile upon my blog today.

Okay, fine. Let's face it.
They probably will not smile upon me,
but I have to get this out.)

As I was saying:


HOW is this a thing?


I realize that maybe I should be patient. An awakening is surely and certainly soon to be upon us, and she'll have thousands within a matter of days, but I'm perplexed as to how it hasn't happened already. A blanket of blindness seems to have fallen upon the neighborhood. I say this with love, but get the hell out of bed already. Show the girl some LOVE.

I'm not a mean person. You know I'm a peacemaker. I'm not trying to make anyone feel badly. You're not flaming idiots. Everyone falls into holes sometimes. I get it. I understand. I feel for ya. It's just the way of life. I'm aware that many of you are just too busy to keep up with everything that happens in life. You need to adult now and then.

Steemit is a luxury and you can't always make time for luxuries. Way of the world. Beauty escapes you sometimes. Evil thrives around you. Maybe you don't notice that reality show stars are ruling the world. It's fine.
You'll wake up one day.

I will help you.

You can start by following @ioneskye.


She's HERE. On Steemit. This little baby site, barely 2 years old. She graces us with her presence. It's a magnificent surprise. And that is why I am telling you!

It's only because I love you!

Well, I mean and I love Ione Skye. It's true. She's a thing of wonder.

I'm sure she's tired of Say Anything references by now. (If you're reading this, Ione, I'm so sorry.) But I have to share this, because it was my thing. Say Anything. My go-to movie. I feel that you have to understand my reality at that time.

I was an angsty teen.

The angstiest of all angsty teens.

Angst like Ponyboy. Ponyboyish angst.

It's a thing. I know you know.

When I was 14, then 15, then 16, then 17, then 18.. when the woes of high school made me want to die, Say Anything revived me.
It made me laugh.
Also, I cried like a toddler.
And I swooned.

I was bullied in school a lot, mean girls and such.. (if you're a mean girl, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. Nobody likes you.)

I was rejected by boys, it was a small town, the pickins were slim. I never even kissed anyone until I was 19. I had no choice but to daydream. Daydreams were my haven. Movies were my escape. Emily Dickinson found her way into my heart as well, and Nancy Kerrigan.

(Sidenote: Screw you, Tonya. I still hope you lose your knees someday.)

I used to dream of literally being Ione Skye. I had the undying hope that I could just suddenly wake up one day with fabulous hair and that sweet, angelic voice that perfectly complimented my Ione smile. She was my idol.

Of course, she shared the idol title with John Cusack. Because good lord. Because John Cusack.
Weak knees were a thing.
The struggle was real.

And yes, I can admit it.. Joey McIntyre would also be my husband someday. John would share me. We'd move to Utah and go off the radar. Ione could come with us, but she'd probably only have one husband because I know she's like a thousand times smarter than me.

But John Cusack.
I mean look at him.


I fantasized that some some fateful night, a swell guy like Lloyd Dobler would stand outside my window with a boombox in his hands, lifting it up to the Heavens as he was hazily dreaming about me. He was totally into me. I was rad. I was radiant. God, he loved me so much.

In real life the house in which I grew up was only one story and my bed was literally touching my window, so it would have been pretty difficult to ignore him even I had wanted to. I mean he would have been literally staring into my window.

Alas, soon there were very few boomboxes left in the world. My dreams settled down a little bit. A tiny bit. CD's became the devil. I had to learn how to finally use one. VCR's began to die. DVD's took over. Netflix ruined everything.

(Now I have a Netflix account. I am the thing that I hated. I'm a traitor to my own integrity. But aw well, what can ya do? )

Now go be decent. She's so wonderful, she actually replies to comments! What!
Who does that nowadays, among famous people. It's not a common thing.

She replied to ME and I almost DIED.

Show some love. Follow @ioneskye. DO IT.

Like right after you finish reading this blog.
Immediately after.
You'll feel better about yourself as a person.
You just will.

Here's the note from @Ioneskye

I'm giving you plenty of opportunites to click on her name. See? @Ioneskye. Also, here is her introductory post picture again because it is so adorable. You're welcome.


"My husband @benleemusic and has been raving about Steemit and I don't like to miss out on things!

I imagine I should tell you about myself. I am an artist. I grew up in Hollywood and got in to films as a teen. I wasn't great in school and acting in high quality films like 'Rivers Edge' and 'Say Anything' was superb because I could be creative and lean how to work. Also traveling and working in Europe was how I spend my teen years. Pas Mal. Non male.

My nickname as a kid was Space Cadet because I was a day dreaming kid who loved to escape in books, writing, drawing, and make believe. I still paint. I have had a few shows in Los Angeles and Tokyo. My painting website is : http://www.Ioneskyepaintings.comI've been on Arrested Development and in about 30 films. My father is the singer Donovan but I grew up with my Wonderful Mother and brother Donovan who has produced a broadway musical called 'Head Over Heels' that opens in June. I have two girls one is a teenager and one is 8. I am lucky to come from a line of great Mothers who love mothering. I took forward to sharing things that will entertain you, post things that are fun and warm.

I am starting a directing career my reel is here...."


But I'm not sharing anything else because you need to be proactive enough to click on one of the thousands of links to her steemit page that I've dropped for you within this fairly-decently written rage-and-praise post about following @ioneskye. It took me a long time to write this. It's taken me about 3 hours. But it's worth it to tell you to

follow @ioneskye.


Goodbye for now. Search your heart. Do the right thing.

Follow @ioneskye.


Important, obvious disclaimer:
Lili Taylor is the real,
actual badass Corey.

I channel my inner Lily often.


Here are some more pictures of @ioneskye to refresh the short-term memory which may have burdened you.

I'll even share some movie posters.

With husband, Ben Lee (@benleemusic)
From a lovely article by Christie Grimm for Guest of a Guest :

"You Should Know: Ione Skye Lee and Ben Lee"

You can read it HERE


Did I mention to

Follow @ioneskye ?

You really should.

Thank you for your time.

♥- Serena


P.S. I have edited this post probably 14 times because I keep finding grammatical errors and thoughts that I left out and centering issues with the text and stuff like that. So, every time you might happen to read it, it will probably be different.

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