Throw in the LIES of the Mainstream News & you have the recipe for a COLLAPSE of the Global Financial System of EPIC PROPORTION. The mind boggles that people think this is a "Strong Economy"..!!

#Investors-Group: News


LIES of the Mainstream News and a Corrupt Financial System

With the continued LIES being vomited out by the Mainstream News, I am amazed that people still believe in the GARBAGE.

For the last few years I have been warning people to either switch off their TVs or at least if they watch the news to totally disbelieve everything that is being said.

Despite the rosy picture that is being painted of the Financial Market, the stark reality is that the truth is far from rosy..!!

For the last +45 years since the early 1970's the Financial System has been propped up by: Garbage, Lies, Deceit, Fraud and Manipulation and it is only by a toxic combination of: Fractional Banking, Stimulus, Derivatives and Debt, plenty of DEBT, that the System has been held together.

When everyone wakes up & realises that Markets are propped up by this GARBAGE, then the shit will really hit the fan.

I thought I would just share with you a few tweets that I posted earlier on twitter as the FTSE100 takes a nose dive..!!




The Stock Market, The Market and The Economy

I feel I'm sounding like a broken record, but again I would like to point out that: The Stock Market, The Market and The Economy are three totally different things.

Despite the garbage that is reported by the Mainstream News that The Stock Market, The Market and The Economy and all the same, they are not.

The Stock Market = The Economy +/- Debt +/- Stimulus +/- Derivatives.

How the hell can The Economy be doing so well if it takes $10 of new Debt to create $1 of Growth..??

The mind boggles that people think this is a "Strong Economy"..!!

#Gold and #Silver - Price Manipulation

Keep a very close eye on #Gold and #Silver this week.

Thanks for reading.


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