The whole Banking System is a scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP. The Fractional Banking Experiment will soon be exposed and I am afraid that the results will make the 2008 Financial Crisis feel like a walk in the park.

Cryptocurrency News: #Investors-Group

The Fractional Banking System is a scam and #Cryptocurrencies are about to expose it..!!

European Parliament, Strasbourg, 21 May 2013.
Speaker: Godfrey Bloom MEP, UKIP (Yorkshire & Lincolnshire), Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) group

Godfrey Bloom MEP

For the ones that may have missed this epic speech made by Godfrey Bloom MEP at the European Parliament, Strasbourg on 21 May 2013, here is another chance to see it.

This speech is coming up to 5 years old and the words echoed have probably never been so more pertinent than they are today.

Fraction Banking vs #Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies

Earlier today I posted a few tweets on twitter and I thought I would share them with you here...


Whether you like it or not, the Current Financial System WILL COLLAPSE & it WILL be because of Blockchain Technology!! DEBT & DERIVATIVES


People are finally waking up to Blockchain Technology. Guess they'll only sit up & take notice when the Current System COLLAPSES & it WILL.

The end of Central Banking

Over the last 18 months since I have been on #Steemit I have shared a number of slides regarding the future of Central Banking and how in the future Central Banking as we no it will cease to exist.

Here are just a few slides that I have shared on my Blog....



Your own Central Bank.png

Whether you like it or not..!!

Whether you like it or not, Central Banking as we know it is toast and it is now simply of matter of time when their Centrally Planned Garbage Monetary System is exposed for what it is....... GARBAGE..!!

It will be #Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and the Distributed Ledger Technology that will expose the flaws of Central Banking and when they do, rest assure, there will not be any Government of Central Bank in the World big enough to stop it.

Central Banks are backed into the corner..!!

Central Banks are backed into the corner.jpg

Central Banks have been backed into the corner by #Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and the Distributed Ledger Technology and no matter how they fight it they will not win.

Fractional Banking is stacking up like a festering pile of Horse Manure and apparently no one seems to care..!!

The Fractional Banking Experiment

The Fractional Banking Experiment will soon be exposed and when it does I am afraid that the results will make the 2008 Financial Crisis feel like a walk in the park.

The Global Financial System is being held together by nothing more than a toxic combination of: Debt, Derivatives, Failed Monetary Policies and Stimulus and is on the brink of a catastrophic implosion of Epic Proportion..!!

Thanks for reading.


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