SBD Investment Opportunity

I was recently contacted with regard to investing into the Steem activities that I do. This got me thinking on how I could package such an investment and what I could offer in terms of a return.

After crunching the numbers I have decided to open up a trial to see if this is viable. It will be limited to 20 participants initially, I want to keep the numbers small for management purposes, If there is sufficient interest in this to get this started I will probably create a new account for management of this only, mainly communications.

The offer is a return of 3% per week (every 7 days) for a minimum investment of 50 SBD. Interest will be paid every 7 days, money can be withdrawn at anytime but to make life easier (in terms of interest calculations) it will be returned at the very next interest due date.

If you urgently require the funds then this will be done but you will lose any interest for the part of that 7 day interest period the money was held.

I reserve the right to terminate this at anytime and all funds will be returned with interest owed, I would let the scheme run on until its next interest payment date to make it easier to manage.

The idea is to have a set 7 day cycle that all investments are synced to, this is again to keep the management of this as simple as possible.

If you are interested please reply to this post stating how much you could invest, the scheme will run for set days to keep things simple, I will start the trial as soon as I get at least 5 willing to invest, those wishing to join after the scheme starts will need to contact the account running the scheme (account to be decided) and then invest before the current cylce starts. Failure to invest before the start of the current round will result in the funds NOT getting any interest for that week and only accrue interest from the following week on wards, the reason again is to keep things simple and easy to manage.

This would represent an APR of 156% which is a very good return on this platform.

Again I would reiterate, that at any time the scheme becomes non viable, I reserve the right to stop the scheme and all funds and interest will be returned as mentioned above.

Interest will be paid in STEEM only

The only other quirk with this scheme you will need to adhere to is this, I require the conversion of the Steem that I hold into SDB, to enable this, every 2 cycles (14 days) I will select 2 or more accounts (on a rotation period) that will get their investment and interest paid back fully in STEEM. Those accounts selected will have their full balance plus interest paid at least 24 hours before the next 7 day cycle starts, allowing ample time for reinvestment of SBD if they so wish.

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