The Solution To Homelessness May Have Arrived

Investors from a social impact bond are putting up the money to build stackable pod homes in an attempt to reduce homelessness.

A social impact bond is a contract with the public sector in which a commitment is made to pay for improved social outcomes that result in public sector savings. They don't actually profit from this until the set time is met and statistics show improvement.

Life is hard for many of us, but despite the struggles we endure we push through. There are many out there who can't get passed the issue or issues that prevent them from being motivated to want more or for those who just can't function amongst the general population. Homelessness is a serious issue and it seems that in today's times they are barely 21.

The picture above is from a post by Juan Castillo on 25 cities with extremely high homeless population. Link right below.

These 160 square-foot micro-apartments come with storage space, desk, and a decent sized bed.

A separate complex of pods will have job placement and mental health services for the individuals living in the community. We can only hope it works and also improves poverty.

Link to CNN on their article on stackable pods down below.

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