What benefits startup businesses gather from joining DCI Ecosystem?

In today's digitized world, raising funds is a herculean task for emerging businesses and startups. A lot of institutional investors do not trust startup businesses so quickly given their limited operational lifeline and poor financial stability.

Today, innovative and technology-driven startups & businesses are constantly looking for viable funding from investors via alternative fundraising platforms were there they do not have to meet the stringent capital requirement criteria.   

Here are some of the Key Problems Faced by Start-ups and Third-party Business during Fundraising

Poor Balance Sheets and Annual Revenue: The poor annual balance sheets and net worth of startup businesses deter large investors (e.g. venture capitalists, angel investors, etc.) from putting their money on startup ideas/products/solutions. The low net worth or paid capital also restrict such small businesses to list on public exchanges for fundraising.

Unavailability of collateral to support their Business Loan: A lot of startup businesses have innovative products or solutions that can help them raise funds and attain success in the near future. However, the absence of suitable collateral hampers their loan raising capability for their innovative products/solutions.   

Absence of a suitable alternative fundraising platform: This is one of the key problems that are faced by startups or businesses during fundraising. Today, many startups are looking for fundraising platforms where do not have to face stringent criteria related to financial stability and high brokerage fees. 

 Poor Investor Trust on Fintech Start-ups: Large investors, especially institutional ones (e.g. banks, insurance companies, etc.) do not trust technology startups easily due to the absence of a solid minimum viable project (MVP) at the early project stages. Instead, they put their money in copy-paste startups, having a high success rate.   

Problem-Solving DCI Ecosystem Solution for Both Startups and Third-Parties

So, seeing the existing problems faced by startups and third-parties, DCI has come up with a most revolutionary and innovative blockchain project of their that offers limitless investment opportunities to both startups & third-party businesses (e.g. accountants, lawyers, etc.).   Startups and existing business looking to raise funds for business expansion and growth of their business can register on DCI freely and conduct STO to raise funds from investors.   

DCI will operate as an open cross-asset investment ecosystem that will offer limitless investment opportunities to everyone, including investors, businesses, and third-parties. Investors can create a hybrid-portfolio of real & digital assets with a complete 360-degree view, whereas fundraising business can register on DCI for free and raise funds via transparent security token offering (STO).   

Benefits of Joining the DCI Ecosystem for Start-ups

Startups and existing businesses can register on DCI Platform for free and raise funds via security token offering (STO), which are highly secure and regulated.   

Benefits of Joining the DCI Ecosystem for Third-party Service Providers/Software Vendors    

DCI is currently in the product development stage and also looking to partner with third-party service providers/software vendors who will offer their services (e.g. accountancy, legal, AI/robo-advisory, etc.) directly to the DCI community members within the ecosystem itself.   

  • No hidden brokerage/commission for registration 
  • Get discounted tokens & exclusive access to DCI services before anyone on joining early 
  • Find unlimited clients on DCI ecosystem by offering services like risk rating, AI/robo-advisory, accountancy, legal advice etc. 
  • Maximize business profitability by offering services directly via third-party API support to DCI members

To unlock more secrets about DCI, please visit the DCI Ecosystem and register on the website: Register Here

Originally published on: DCI Ecosystem Blog 

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