TIB: Today I Bought (and Sold) - An Investors Journal #484 - Cybersecurity, Ride Sharing, US Retail, Europe Index, US Real Estate, Covered Calls

Updates for family portfolio for the 4 week period while I was travelling.



Lyft, Inc (LYFT): Ride Sharing. Sold put leg assigned on call spread risk reversal at $55 - latest price $41.44 - not the best sold put written. I received net premium of $1.93 on the initial trade setup which brings my entry price down to $53.07. This assignment does raise average cost on my overall holdings to $46.95.

Twilio Inc (TWLO): Cloud Computing. Added a small holding to round up to 100 shares so I can start writing covered calls. Jim Cramer idea.


FireEye, Inc (FEYE): Cybersecurity. Assigned on covered call for 3.3% profit since September 2019.

Expiring Options

Lyft, Inc (LYFT): Ride Sharing. With closing price of $40.79, 75/85/55 call spread risk reversal expired with stock assigned at $55 on the sold put leg.

Walmart Inc. (WMT): US Retail. With closing price of $119.14, 105/95 bear put spread expired out-the-money. Walmart is doing better than most other US retail names. CNBC Options Action idea

Vanguard FTSE Europe Index Fund ETF (VGK): Europe Index. With closing price of $54.86, 51/49 bear put ratio spread expired out-the-money. Never unhappy when a hedging trade fails. Net cost of the trade was $54 - the price of dinner for one to hedge European exposure for 2 months.

iShares U.S. Real Estate ETF (IYR): US Real Estate. With price closing of $94.67, 92/88 bear put spread expired out-the-money. Falling yields are making REIT yields attractive

Income Trades

7 covered calls expired and one naked put (GDX) in my favour with only one assgined (FEYE). 10 new covered calls written at average premium of 1.14% and coverage ratio of 8.65%. Table shows covered calls written


Cautions: This is not financial advice. You need to consider your own financial position and take your own advice before you follow any of my ideas

Images: I own the rights to use and edit the Buy Sell image.

Tickers: I monitor my portfolios using Yahoo Finance. The ticker symbols used are Yahoo Finance tickers

October 2-25, 2019

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