Greece Defends Europe - Europe's Shield [Ασπίδα]

You will not believe from what parts of Europe support is being shown to Greece - really!

Europe's Shield [Aspida]-mini.png

Yesterday Hungary sent a message to Greece . He said that developments at the Turkey-Greece border were worrying and suggested that hundreds of thousands of migrants could soon arrive in the Western Balkans.

Szijjarto said he had phoned his Greek counterpart and assured Greece of Hungary’s support. “Hungary knows what it is like when the country’s borders are under an organised attack … while the international liberal media is churning out fake news”.

Read more here:

But, let us return to today's news:

Gr defending Europe.png

The video:

Some comments on the YT page I found interesting or perceptive (or stupid):

The UN is useless, good for nothing, they couldn’t even stop the Rwandan genocide they just let it happen. Absolutely useless.

Lars Wolter
Migrants. Not refugees. And not Syrians. Most are from Afghanistan and Africa.

the Red Celt (edited)
STOP CALLING THEM "REFUGEES"!! They are invading hordes! They are NOT refugees! They are all fighting age males with the latest iPhones and nice clothes, not the attire of a refugee!!! Also, by the way, Turkey is NO ally to NATO or Europe. This action and the years of extortion of Europe proves they are an aggressive enemy!! And yes, the UN should be dissolved, immediately!

Sum FãggOtt
How can anyone look at this and say this isn’t an invasion? No seriously it’s a literal invasion orchestrated by Erdogan and Turkey.

The Lone Longma (edited)

thank you brothers God Bless.


The Postman
The UN and people like Soros think they run the world. They are mistaken. Salute to Greece and the honor and memory of Sparta! Let no one pass!

These are not refugees but replacements of the Europeans the globalist want to inflict! Genocide on a global scale

Germany can't get enough of these doctors and engineers.

Derek Tomlinson
The EU would do better if they stopped sending any money to Erdogon in Turkey and send it to Greece instead!

Sarah Connor
I wouldn't believe any of the globalists, Macron, VonDeLeyon, Merkel, they are all traitors.

The Overlooked Songwriter
Ευχαριστούμε from America. Meanwhile Belgium is in danger of becoming Belgianistad.

The nerve of those Greeks not wanting thousands of troglodytes flooding across the border.

My Comment:

This is a proud moment for all Greeks...AND for all Europeans. In many instances their own govts are selling them out as slaves to the islamist locusts (a good example, Tommy Robinson: his 8 yo daughter was molested at the swimming pool by a moslem and Tommy would not let him leave until the police arrived - so the police arrested Tommy and let the child molester go - and you THINK your govt is acting for your good, just like all the Cabal?), but the people themselves are waking up and let us hope we are in time to save what is left of Europe and our people.

The question is - despite all they are saying, if Turkey attacks Greece, will NATO support Greece...or will they just talk and talk and wring their hands like Pontius Pilate?

"Behold the Man", Antonio Ciseri's
depiction of Pilate presenting a
scourged Jesus to the people
of Jerusalem.

My belief in Free Speech is my Shield

Posted: 4th March, 2020

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