Inuyasha and Ayame: Shipping Them Since Forever

This screenshot motivational poster is highly, utterly, absolutely, and indubitably Pro-Inuyasha, Pro-Ayame, and, if you could not already tell, Pro-InuAya. So, sit back, relax, and sit in for a spell, as I elaborate to you, my dear readers, why I firmly believe Inuyasha and Ayame are not only made to be as a couple but also why I have been pairing them up as one ever since I was a lot younger.

Regardless of what you believe, regardless of your tastes, regardless of anything you throw at me, and regardless of what I am to you, I am never ever going to separate myself from my most beloved OTP of all time and that is none other than Inuyasha x Ayame. Even when I was a child all the way up into my early teens, I knew from the bottom of my heart, mind, and soul that these two deserved so much better than Inuyasha's abusive relationship with a certain harridan in a green mini-skirt and Ayame's failure of a relationship with a cowardly Karma Houdini. Ever since then, all of these ideas came popping into my head as to how I wanted to fully realize this power couple's direction. Lo and behold, it became engendered in an AU headcanon I had with Inuyasha where he was the one who rescued Ayame from The Birds of Paradise, ended up obtaining her hand in marriage, and was even trained to become a strong, powerful, and mighty warrior who could bear-hug, give headlocks, and punch opponents ten times his size and emit a huge roar to make any lion jealous. Therefore, Inuyasha and Ayame have always remained top of mind in terms of their status as a wonderfully formidable power couple.

It should also be no surprise that I have also been drawing a fair amount of InuAya fan art, seeing how this couple has found its way into all of my passions. Combining this rowdy, brash, strong, and mighty dog hanyo warrior king with this determined, high-strung, independent, and heroic wolf yokai warrior queen has been the best decision I have made in my life as someone who has had a teeter-tottering relationship with Inuyasha as well as a less than idyllic opinion about its author. Those love-hate sentiments towards Inuyasha as a manga and as anime as well as my indifference towards Rumiko Takahashi are neither here nor there in this motivational poster, as Inuyasha and Ayame as a couple take center stage.

Therefore, I shall gladly elaborate twelve reasons why I love and have been shipping Inuyasha and Ayame as a couple and why I believe they have a healthy relationship free from animosity and dysfunction. Keeping in mind that what I declare from here is a combination of what my AU headcanon always had in store for Inuyasha and Ayame as well as the potential I can attempt to flesh out with these two together. Furthermore, why would I opt for twelve reasons? This is because I not only want to mix things up a bit more, but I also like that number. With that, said let us get started.

  1. Inuyasha and Ayame look really great together.
    This is the most popular yet most overrated reason why anyone would love to ship two or more characters together. I am no exception for having this as one of my reasons. However, with this particular reason, it is absolute legitimate with both Inuyasha and Ayame together as a power couple. I can never deny that warlike, powerful, and athletic aesthetic Inuyasha and Ayame embody, as their strength, valor, and athleticism make them look fantastic both inside and outside. If I were to do a photo shoot with them, I would put Inuyasha and Ayame in the front cover of any fitness magazine such as Sports Illustrated and they would pop out in several editions, thus gaining steam as Feudal Era Japan's most formidable and most sexy power couple of all time. Ergo, Inuyasha's muscles and Ayame's athleticism will make them win readers' and viewers' hearts and eyes when they make it in the front cover of any fitness magazine.

  2. Inuyasha and Ayame are the power couple to end all power couples at least in my eyes.
    Speaking of power couple, there is that imposing quality about Inuyasha and Ayame being paired up which made me root for them ever since I was a young lad. Inuyasha's superhuman strength and Ayame's lightning speed do make them a very formidable power couple, as their physical prowess would be put to fantastic use when they are on the battlefield. Enemies will never escape nor find refuge from Inuyasha's muscular strength, iron fists, metal claws, and sharp fangs, especially when he goes full yokai, and Ayame's lightning-fast speed, quick reflexes, and sheer determination, as this triumphant power couple will give their foes the beating of their lives. Even when these two warriors are beaten down themselves, they always come back up to hit back even harder.

  3. Inuyasha and Ayame set an exceptional example of valor, stamina, and perseverance.
    This is an attribute that also permeates with my Splendid Seven AU headcanon, as these two are not only together, but also have Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran as their teammates as well as their family members. It is no wonder why Sesshoumaru respects Inuyasha and admires Ayame, Shuran and Hakkaku find Inuyasha and Ayame awesome, and Ginta and Shunran respectively look up to Inuyasha and Ayame as their role models. Inuyasha and Ayame never have surrender or giving up in their vocabulary by any stretch of the imagination. A fight that ends up being forfeited is a fight that is lost is the credo they have when it comes to their mindset on and off the battlefield.

  4. Inuyasha's and Ayame's courage is what makes them strong on the inside.
    Their courage is definitely something aspirational, as it empowers them to make changes in not only their lives but also to those around them. There is not a single occasion where they would back down and cower because they will always soldier on and charge forward with everything they have in their systems.

  5. Inuyasha and Ayame are always up for exciting nights filled to the brim with intimacy.
    When it comes to how much Inuyasha and Ayame want to get it on, they would definitely do so with everything they have and there is going to be no shortage of mojo at all. What would start off as nips on the noses and kisses on the cheeks as children would flourish into intense lovemaking after battle as they reach adulthood. Their nights of intimacy demonstrate boundless virility and their strong physicality does make them function in bed phenomenally, exceedingly, and exceptionally well. Ergo, they are unafraid of being kinky towards each other and I just exposed this couple's kinky side as well, which makes it even more fun and exciting. Even Sesshoumaru, Shuran, Hakkaku, Ginta, and Shunran are utterly supportive of Inuyasha's and Ayame's hot nights of exciting intimacy and majestic mojo.

  6. Inuyasha and Ayame can never ever be fooled by mountebanks and/or manipulators.
    Any chances of pulling the wool from their eyes as well as pulling their legs might as well be in vain because they are not going to take any trickery at all. Therefore, flattery is never going to get anybody anywhere when encountering Inuyasha and Ayame.

  7. Inuyasha and Ayame trust each other.
    Trust is definitely the foundation of what can make a relationship work. Inuyasha and Ayame do trust each other and are indubitably loyal to each other. They will not cheat on each other and they will always keep their word, thus demonstrating fidelity and fully comprehending the importance of tying the knot well. Most of all, there is going to be no manipulation or control present in their relationship, as they will always be there in the good and the bad.

  8. Inuyasha and Ayame show no fear of acknowledging each others' strengths and weaknesses as well as their good and bad sides.
    Is Inuyasha's and Ayame's relationship akin to a fairy-tale? No, as it is far from it. It does not mean that it is dysfunctional, it just means that they are willing to challenge each other to confront their problems with open arms and celebrate their triumphs together, regardless of how grand or how menial they are. The best facet about this acknowledgment of each others' strengths and weaknesses is that they are not going to flinch by any stretch of the imagination. Sure, Inuyasha may be brash and impulsive and Ayame may be high-strung and a bit of a control freak, but they can forgive those aspects and realize that they are not much different from each other and can help each other better themselves and will never go back to their bad old habits. Therefore, they bear the importance of changing from within and coming out alive as much better people than they were before.

  9. Inuyasha and Ayame demonstrate the true meaning of unconditional love.
    There is not one day where they will judge each other for their differences because they can see that nothing and nobody can break them apart and they would easily love each other body and soul. It may not be done with overly grand gestures, save for Ayame who specializes in them, but it is done with genuineness and authenticity. There are no illusions of how much they will be there for each other and will see the best in each other and even want the best in each other. Inuyasha would definitely have someone he can really love, protect, and defend with all of his being in Ayame and Ayame would feel safe with Inuyasha knowing that he will always be there for her every step of the way.

  10. Inuyasha and Ayame would not be afraid to be themselves towards each other.
    Inuyasha and Ayame are the type of couple who can throw away the pretentiousness, the pomp, and the gaudiness and see each other for who they are. Therefore, their relationship is based on authenticity, genuineness, compassion, respect, allegiance, and, of course, unconditional love. They can feel very comfortable and confident in their own skins towards each other, which is a major must not only for interpersonal growth, but also for intrapersonal growth. They can be completely honest with each other and love each other for who they are, primal doubts, anxieties, crippling flaws, warts, and all.

  11. Inuyasha and Ayame would even pass on their principles of valor and determination to their children.
    If one were to be born into Inuyasha's and Ayame's family, one would be the most grateful child to have a father as strong, tough, and courageous as Inuyasha and a mother as determined, valorous, and firm as Ayame. They would lay down the law in the family and would love to see their children grow up to be valorous and determined warriors who will never settle for anything less. The other facet that they should never forget is to protect those they love and show compassion to those who are disenfranchised. It is no doubt that their sons would grow up to be formidable, powerful, and tough warriors with aspirational physical and psychological qualities and their daughters would grow up to be determined, courageous, and valorous warriors who brim with so much enthusiasm about life and seizing the day with open arms.

  12. Inuyasha and Ayame demonstrate the imperativeness of compassion.
    Compassion is key to what makes a relationship work by leaps and bounds and this is what they bear. Inuyasha may have a rough life of being discriminated of being a hanyo and Ayame may have had to grow up really fast as a little girl, but what they could realize from each other is how much can learn from each other and help each other grow in healthy ways. Inuyasha's sadness and frustration is also Ayame's sadness and frustration and his joys and triumphs are also her joys and triumphs and vice-versa. As parents, out of all their children, there are a couple of them who have made them appreciate the value of compassion and those are Rin and Shiori. Even though Rin is also close to Sesshoumaru as her father figure as well as lost her biological family and Shiori lost her biological parents, these two young ladies would indubitably love Inuyasha and Ayame as their own parents and even show respect to them. Sure, Rin is a human girl and Shiori is a bat hanyo girl, but there is no shadow of a doubt that they have helped each other truly grow in compassion and warmth, especially as a family.

In conclusion, Inuyasha and Ayame are not only a great power couple in virtue of their phenomenal physical prowess but also how much authenticity, compassion, genuineness, and unpretentiousness there is which has truly sealed the deal for both of these canine yokai warriors to flourish in a healthy, animosity-free, and unconditionally loving conjugal relationship.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I would also love to hear from you if you are also fans of Inuyasha and Ayame as a couple. Until then, I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and never give up, everybody.

Inuyasha and Ayame from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.
Inuyasha and Ayame Shipping Them Since Forever.jpg

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