I Ship Them Hard: The Adult Swim Anime Edition

This edited screenshot collage is dedicated to all of the Inuyasha x Ayame, Ginta x Shunran, and Kiba x Cheza shippers from all over the world.

Inuyasha and Wolf's Rain. What do these two anime series have in common? They both aired on Adult Swim in the early to mid-2000s and they even found themselves airing on Animax Asia in that same duration. They both dealt with the supernatural with the former being more action-packed and the latter relying mostly on atmosphere. They were my go-to shows when I wanted to watch something that has action, a bit of drama, a sprinkling of romance, and a good deal of fun. My favorite characters are based on canine and flower elements, and you already know fully well who they are. They are both shows where I can find a lot of shipping possibilities with and work with them to my heart's content. Finally, they are both stylistically fine to look at, with Wolf's Rain obtaining the lion's share of beautiful graphics.

If Inuyasha and Wolf's Rain ever had a crossover, I would tune into it on a nearly daily basis. Besides, I can see both Inuyasha and Ginta becoming really great friends/bros/buddies with Kiba and help him be a little bit more open and never take things too seriously and both Ayame and Shunran have this loving sisterhood with Cheza, thus breaking each others' walls down. This would even lead to these three strapping gentlemen to be in long-lasting, loving, beautiful relationships with their three gorgeous ladies. I would even make them start out as children, with Inuyasha being 9, Ginta being 8, Kiba being 7, Ayame being 7, Shunran being 5, and Cheza being 2, growing into their teen or tween years, with Inuyasha being 17, Ginta being 16, Kiba being 15, Ayame being 15, Shunran being 13, and Cheza being 10, then to their young adult years, with Inuyasha being 20, Ginta being 19, Kiba being 18, Ayame being 18, Shunran being 16, and Cheza being 13, and ending up how old they are today, with Inuyasha approaching 38, Ginta approaching 37, Kiba approaching 36, Ayame approaching 36, Shunran approaching 34, and Cheza approaching 31. Furthermore, they would even have equally strong children and grandchildren to be proud of.

As you can already tell, I have been the biggest Inuyasha x Ayame or InuAya, Ginta x Shunran or GinShun, and Kiba x Cheza or Kiza shipper of all time ever since I was a twelve or thirteen-year-old middle-schooler and I used to ship them because they looked really gorgeous together. Nowadays, as a grown-up, I could proudly designate my three most beloved Adult Swim anime couples into three categories because I have found why I loved them so much when I was younger. Essentially, InuAya is the super strong, super tough, super fierce power couple, GinShun is the sweet, lovely, gentle, caring, loyal lovebird couple, and Kiza is the genuine, unpretentious, protective, supportive, kind-hearted, pure heart couple and these three couples are always there for each other. Even when I also ship Ayame with Sesshoumaru aside from Inuyasha and continue to bro-ship both Ginta and Shunran with Shuran and Hakkaku, thus constituting The Splendid Seven, and still have a lot of nostalgic sentiments for Kiba and Cheza as a couple, I will never ever part from InuAya, GinShun, and Kiza and I will continue to love them with all of my being.

Inuyasha x Ayame (InuAya): The Most Formidable Power Couple in the World
Inuyasha and Ayame need no further introduction as Japan's and the world's strongest power couple. It also says a whole lot that Sesshoumaru, who even loves Ayame body and soul, has always been extremely supportive of his dear younger brother and his precious jewel finding themselves in a beautifully loving relationship. Ergo, Sesshoumaru has not only been the most supportive shipper on deck, but he is also part of this three-way relationship, especially where they have made a strong family with Dai, Roku, Kai, Rin, Shiori, and Shinta as their children. If ever Inuyasha and Ayame find themselves insulted, their perpetrators better watch out because their combat prowess and super strength would be enough to waste them to shreds, as Sesshoumaru watches the bloody spectacle with a cathartic smirk on his face, given how much he respects Inuyasha's and Ayame's abilities as powerful fighters.

Muscles, might, stamina, strength, fierceness, and endurance are not the only attributes Inuyasha and Ayame have going for them but it is also the unbreakable bond they have which puts them on the map as a great power couple. Nothing and nobody can break the bond that they have with each other and they will always stay strong for each other until their dying days. Inuyasha is the rock in Ayame's life, as he always appreciates her determination, never-give-up attitude, kindness, and genuineness, which are traits that make her both beautiful inside and out. Ayame demonstrates compassion, earnestness, and unconditional love to Inuyasha because of how much she understands what it is like to be constantly looked down upon and underestimated but have the courage to rise above the ashes. Together, they understand each other and can always find methods to thoroughly build each other up no matter what the occasion. Furthermore, there are no illusions as to being fully conscientious that their relationship may not be so perfect but they will never ever give up on each other and will sacrifice their lives for each other. Whether it is Ayame going through a challenge more insurmountable than she is or Inuyasha constantly being put down because of him being a hanyou, they will always do their best to come out on top.

Inuyasha and Ayame love weightlifting, circuit training, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, hunting, gathering, and working on their roars. When both Inuyasha and Ayame go full yokai, their roars can even rival any lion, leopard, and/or tiger to the point where their enemies would tremble like rabbits facing the headlights. Inuyasha has the strength and muscles to bench press boulders, bend metal bars, move mountains, and take down opponents more than thrice his size, while Ayame has the endurance and persistence to outrun cheetahs, give opponents the biggest knockout of their lives, and incapacitate her foes with ease. Their muscles, claws, fangs, fists, and feet are enough to give their foes a mad dash for the gates leading to the exit.

With Inuyasha approaching 38 on April 1 and Ayame approaching 36 on May 6, they continue to be the strong, fit power couple they have always been well-known for. Furthermore, Sesshoumaru continues to show moral support to Inuyasha and Ayame in their parental and grandparental duties. Inuyasha's muscular strength and Ayame's persistent endurance have even been passed down to their children and grandchildren to the point where their sons enjoy wrestling, doing posedowns, weightlifting, and testing their strength with their dad and their daughters enjoy boxing, kickboxing, and circuit training with their mom. For example, Kenta and Keita are the muscle brothers who love to tackle their enemies with their bare hands and muscles and love having wrestling matches and bodybuilding posedowns with their dad. Kuma and Kouta love weightlifting and flexing their muscles with their dad. Kazuhiko and Kaito enjoy a series of wrestling matches with their dad as well as a series of roaring matches. Kai does a lot of boxing, wrestling, and grappling matches with his dad. Momoko, Makoto, Mikoto, Maya, Minako, and Meika love having sparring matches and races with their mom. Even Shiori and Shinta love to go hunting with their mom. Furthermore, even though Motoharu, Matsuhige, Mitsuhide, Masataka, Masaya, Motomu, Dai, Roku, and Rin are much closer to Sesshoumaru as their father, they still love and respect Inuyasha and Ayame as the greatest parents they ever had.

Ginta x Shunran (GinShun): The Most Adorable Lovebird Couple in the World
Synergy, optimism, euphoria, and beauty are the attributes of what constitutes Ginta's and Shunran's dynamic relationship. Shuran and Hakkaku have made it very clear that they are in full, undeniable support of their siblings committing to this loving relationship and have been rooting for them ever since they were children. Even Toran, Ayumi, and Karan are in full approval of Shunran finding her man who can truly love her for everything that she is. Given their long-lasting and ever-flourishing relationship, they have created a most loving and warm home, especially to their adopted daughters, Moegi, Satsuki, Sayo, Saki, Kanna, and Ai. Ginta and Shunran may be cute and cuddly when they are together, but if their enemies attempt to disrupt their peace and hurt the ones they love, this couple will let their primal fury be on the frame and use their strength, speed, and agility to incapacitate their flaws.

On a physical level, Ginta and Shunran are far from implementing brute muscle and strength in their attacks. However, they bear quick reflexes, tons of speed, abundant agility, and sufficient strength to demonstrate how surprisingly formidable they can be. Overlooking their physical aspects, it is their character which comprises how honest, transparent, loving, loyal, and caring they are to each other. Ginta would always give his life up for Shunran to protect her from all harm and help her whenever she is down. In turn, Shunran would never hesitate to attend to Ginta whenever he feels lonely, stressed or anxious. Their relationship is almost close to a fairy-tale and it is astounding at how tight they have continued to be throughout the years. Though troubles come along their way and obstacles constantly challenge them, they do not run away so easily. They tackle every obstacle with open arms, positivity, and display a never-give-up mindset no matter what occurs and have passion and persistence as part of their arsenal.

Ginta and Shunran are really passionate about circuit training, running marathons, boxing, grappling, hunting, gathering, swimming, diving, collecting flowers, and climbing trees. Their enemies should never underestimate them because they are also well-trained in certain martial arts. Ginta has punches, kicks, chokeholds, and bear-hugs that are strong enough to leave his enemies bruised and beaten. Shunran has her powers of illusion, speed, stamina, and agility to put her enemies in a constant state of confusion. Together, they are never ever to be messed with because they can dish out punishments with finesse and grace.

With Ginta approaching 37 on April 3 and Shunran approaching 34 on May 8, they continue to demonstrate positivity, warmth, and joy all throughout their life as a couple. Shuran and Hakkaku also help them out in their parental and grandparental duties, as they are also the godparents to each others' children. Ginta's strength and agility as well as Shunran's cunning and joviality have made their marks on their children, as they were all raised to appreciate and respect nature, protect the ones they love, and prove their enemies wrong both in battle and in everyday life. Tatsuo, Takeru, Minoru, Junichiro, Joichiro, and Sentaro always have circuit training, boxing, wrestling, swimming, diving, and weightlifting sessions with their dad every morning in order to build themselves up for the day and be the steadfast warriors and protectors they ought to be. Moegi, Satsuki, Sayo, Saki, Kanna, Ai, Sakura, Sawako, Setsuko, Sunako, Sora, Sayaka, Kokoro, Katsuho, Kayako, Kiriko, and Kanako enjoy learning about various spells, incantations, acrobatic tricks, and surprise attacks from their mom and would always use everything they have learned to better themselves as individuals. By the looks of things, nothing pernicious will ever come between Ginta, Shunran, and their family.

Kiba x Cheza (Kiza): The Most Genuine Pure Heart Couple in the World
When one longs for a relationship rife with purity, genuineness, unpretentiousness, kindness, selflessness, and transparency, one can turn to Kiba and Cheza as an exemplary model couple to emulate. They talk the talk and walk the walk when it comes to sticking together as a staunch couple. Tsume, Hige, Toboe, Blue, Myu, and Leara have always encouraged Kiba and Cheza to be together and they have ensured that their relationship is abundant in fidelity. Furthermore, with a huge number of children Kiba and Cheza have, it is safe to say that their home is a happily blessed one full of enlightenment, joy, and compassion even to the point where they have turned to be proud grandparents. Should their home be tarnished, neither Kiba nor Cheza will show mercy and they will emit their own brand of justice to rain down on the perpetrator.

Physically speaking, Kiba and Cheza can dish out attacks whenever they feel threatened and constantly make self-defense, protection, and accuracy their main priority. Kiba even enjoys weightlifting, boxing, and various martial arts, while Cheza enjoys gymnastics and performing various acrobatics. They ensure that nothing sloppy is executed and will never allow themselves to give up so easily. Aside from physicality, what Kiba and Cheza are defined by is the nobility and earnestness they have as a couple and as individuals, thus ensuring smooth sailing despite masses of turbulence. Ergo, nothing on earth or the supernatural can ever break them apart even if those against their bond attempted to do so.

Kiba and Cheza take delight in meditation, yoga, calm forest walks, swimming, diving, sprinting, climbing trees, and collecting flowers. One should never underestimate them, as Kiba has the strength of ten lions, the speed of a cheetah, and an undying endurance and Cheza has agility, speed, and grace in her arsenal. Kiba's punches, bites, and grapples hurt much more than his bite, while Cheza has otherworldly powers which can either repair and heal or obliterate and annihilate. Therefore, Kiba and Cheza prove themselves to be flexibly formidable.

With Kiba approaching 36 on January 19 and Cheza approaching 31 on March 15, they continue to be the appreciative, loving, caring, and positive couple they have been for years. Their friends and family also continue to be just as supportive of them than ever before, especially as their children's godparents and being extremely supportive as grandparents to their children's children. It also says something that Kiba's focus and accuracy and Cheza's grace and kindness have all been implanted onto their progeny, considering how they have been learning the values of balance in nature and in life, protecting the environment, and finding unity in the body and the mind. Shinga, Shugo, Seiya, Seita, Sasaru, Sakuya, Reiya, Rikka, Ruka, Ryo, Ryuta, and Ritsuo, who are their sons, revel in meditation sessions, swimming matches, boxing matches, and weightlifting especially with their dad, as they do what they can to keep themselves healthy and physically fit in everything they do. Kairi, Kiyomi, Kinoko, Kiyono, Kazumi, Kizuno, Miho, Miyu, Mio, Mayumi, Masayo, and Maho, who are their daughters, enjoy planting trees, meditation sessions, caring for animals, and swimming especially with their mom, as they are fully conscientious of the importance of nature and balance. Overall, Kiba's and Cheza's family demonstrate how great it is to fully embrace the natural and the authentic to make their lives all the more complete.

In conclusion, InuAya, GinShun, and Kiza are my three most beloved Adult Swim anime couples I will always hold with high esteem. InuAya's fortitude and potency, GinShun's lovability and kindness, and Kiza's genuineness and purity are what have been defining them ever since I first started shipping them as a child and these are the foundations of what made these couples beautiful, strong, and truly amazing.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and I hope you 2021 has been all right so far.

Inuyasha, Ayame, Ginta, and Shunran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.

Kiba and Cheza from Wolf's Rain belong to Keiko Nobumoto and Bones.
I Ship Them Hard The Adult Swim Anime Edition.png

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