Intuitive access can grasp more than I thought

Talking to my girl about stuff I find intriguing and paradigm-busting is so illuminating. I realize not only where my own level of understanding is, but more than that I realize the value of not having researched stuff at all.

I like digging into things. A lot. For more than a decade I have made it somewhat of a priority - an all-encompassing pastime with passion - to listen to arguments for and against any major theory under the sun I could get my hands on - in recent years specifically the things most people take as given.

And often I found that despite all my best efforts I had fallen for yet another trap along the way down the rabbit hole.

Now through my lady I am getting more acquainted with a more direct and intuitive way of gaining knowledge or making sense of the world around us. Many times I will tell her something, trying to lay it out as best I can without being too overdemanding or unfair - it's easy to give the ending of a movie away, it's much harder to peak someone's interest in the plot without mentioning all the spoilery details up front.

I see that when I tell her some of the arguments I found along the way looking into topics deeply, she can not only grasp them instantly and with a smile of insight, but she will readily tell me before I can even finish the thought. I find she can so utterly finetune herself to her inner knowing that she will "accidentally" mention details, ideas, imaginations and concepts that she has never read anywhere nor heard about and that took me YEARS to even consider. And I marvel at how profound and all-encompassing that intuitive access can be. Wow. Maybe it's a woman thing but wow!

I have grown really fond of intuition, of reactivating our dormant senses and reconnecting to more of our inner voice than merely listening to the rational mind all the time. But she really has shown me how good of an idea it could be to stop the research right where it usually begins - with the question.

I will probably continue digging into stuff and finding out what it's all about, what pros and cons there are and what other ideas have been mentioned in connection to it, weighing the cases against one another. But before I do so I will stop and just see what comes up intuitively, uttering the question and sitting there seeing what images come up in the mind, maybe even doodle on a piece of paper.

I think it could be a great addition to the subsequent "rational analysis" to always have that first initial backup grasp of intuition on something the mind has no idea about yet.

Thanks babe <3


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