How my life ended up the way it did

So to be honest my story pretty long and i'm sure no one is really going to read it so this will be for me. My life has had its ups and downs but i'm sure everyone else has had that too. Maybe I am not that special and unique or maybe I am...
When I born I was very sick and I had a fever and didn't do much of the normal baby stuff I stayed at Texas Children hospital for about 2 weeks until I was OK to go home. well I kinda wish I didn't ever leave. I was born to an alcoholic and drug using mother who would use me to get free stuff and leave me alone with people who didn't help me or take care of me. So my first couple months into this world were already awful great life cant get worse than that right? Wrong, after that my mom got into some trouble and of course she dragged me into it I was 5 months old at the time and was being thrown around like a rag doll. When I was 1 years old my grandma convinced my mother to come live with her and we did. Right then my life started to change an I thought for the better but no. My mother started to leave me more and soon enough My grandma started acting like my mom and I adored her. When I turned 2 my grandma got remarried and my mom and I went to live in an apartment near my grandma . We would go to her house all the time. Every Monday night is family night and one night my life changed and would never be the same. My mother was in a bad mood on that Monday night and started talking bad to my grandparents. My mom was so mad she left she had just got kicked out of the apartment so we had no where to go it was raining and I was going to get very sick being out there my grandparents called the police to look for me and my mom. That's when my mom left me on the front door step of my grandparents with a note and ran away. She was later found and thrown in jail for neglect and a couple other things. My grandparents got custody of me and helped me until my mom got out of jail. Well about a year later she got out and didn't come for me. She left me there A couple years went by and my mom was in and out of jail and I was living between my aunts house and my grandparents house. I felt life I was nothing I was left by my real mom I had no idea who my dad was and my family kept passing me around they didn't know what to do with me. I had so many issues by than i didn't know what to do no one wanted me... I didn't even want myself.

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